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by atxgun
Thu Dec 25, 2008 10:46 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Almost had to draw my weapon on some fool tonight-kinda long
Replies: 81
Views: 13324

Re: Almost had to draw and shoot some fool tonight--kinda long

seamusTX wrote:
pokrface wrote:Drawing up on the guy would likely have transformed you into the aggressor, since you would have been meeting a possible threat of force with a definite threat of force. Even if you'd brandished and he'd immediately fled, the way is then clear for him to get on the phone and dial 911 to report that some crazy guy just drew a gun on him and his family.
This is not just a hypothetical possibility. A CHL holder in this county drew on a road-rager. The road-rager backed off, but then called 911 to report the CHL holder. To make matters worse, the road-rager had a companion that corroborated his account.

Unfortunately, I don't know how that worked out in the end. I'm sure it cost the guy, though.

- Jim
I'm reminded of this post I made over a year ago ( ... 53&t=11086" onclick=";return false;). I was asking if you're required to report an incident that gets diffused and goes no further than producing your weapon. The general consensus that I have come to agree with is "the first person to call 911 is the victim".

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