I don't load Berry's for reasons I'll explain in a minute, but
they generally get very good reviews. (they are more expensive than competitors plated bullets if you more than a few hundred) Since you already loaded plated in the past, you likely know their limitations in terms of velocity & jacket softness... so as long as you bell/flare and crimp properly you should be fine with any plated bullet. Note that Berry's are recommended to stay below 1250 fps, and use lead data... while others are good to 1400/1500 fps and can use all lead data and up to mid range jacketed data.
Let me throw another wrench in here...
Precision Delta. If you buy 2000 at a time, you get free freight and a great FMJ bullet for less than Berry's plated. (about $30 cheaper than you can buy Berry's for)
I have loaded thousands of plated bullets from
RMR Bullets and Xtreme Bullets. (both excellent) I initially avoided Berry's because it was considered a more delicate bullet to load and was not available in bulk or at discounted pricing. The two I mentioned have a much thicker plating and are both very well regarded for accuracy, and for durability in the press. Also available in bulk with discounted pricing. (with additional sales and shipping deals at almost all holidays)
Not trying to steer you away from Berry's but want to point out that there are other (many will say better) options to be had at that offer same to better accuracy at better prices.
If you need a qty of 500 or less- then disregard everything I wrote!