abuser: "Hi, 911, I think it's insane that anyone [much less my ex husband who's now dating my best friend] would have so many bullets, there must have been like 50 bullets in the box I saw, and they were big & powerful looking. I can't imagine what he's going to do with them!?!?"

911 operator: "OK lady, we'll send out the swat team to round up him & his stuff and ruin his life- that's plenty of info for us, heck it's more than they had to spy on the President."
If there were realistic safety protocols to prevent abuse, immediate evaluation (by a panel including some right leaning Dr.'s) and a quick and definite process to return everything taken, along with compensation for damages, time, representation, lost wages, etc. and SEVER penalties for abuse, maybe. (but they'd have to absolutely ruin anyone who tried to abuse it) There have been a few times this could have prevented a shooting but still nothing along the lines of preventing Chicago on any random weekend.
I'm not sure you can ever qualify it enough to remove the risk of abuse.....