Got to thinking on this some late last night.....dangerous I know.
Most not comfortable with it? I'm not sure of that. It is just entirely possible that there are people who aren't comfortable with it, but I somehow can't get past the thought that it may a regional thing.
Example: People in Houston or Austin may not be as at ease with it as say, folks in Alpine or San Angelo. Granted, we couldn't have carry laws based on county or municipality.
I just think there are a lot more people open to the idea of CC.
It would be interesting, if not educational, to see an unbiased survey regarding all this.
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- Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:32 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: open carry
- Replies: 194
- Views: 34006
- Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:35 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: open carry
- Replies: 194
- Views: 34006
Re: open carry
Oh, don't get me wrong folks...I'm not pounding my fist demanding it (OC), I just have a point of view on it. The conditioning I am talking of could take that 150 years to get back to where it was. Who knows. I just think it could be better, but we sure don't have it bad.
(I've been know to stir the pot myself).....................with a canoe paddle!
(I've been know to stir the pot myself).....................with a canoe paddle!

- Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:44 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: open carry
- Replies: 194
- Views: 34006
Re: open carry
Went back through most of this thread (Zombies, philosophy, etc.. all in good fun.. no gripe here) and it seems to me that the general gist of a large portion of the views are based on anyone OC'ing that wants to including the Doophi. No permits, just strap it on. Thats just a tad bit different than what I am thinking. I know that the 2A gives the right, and all that, and that all are equal under the law, etc. However, if that is the absolute, then why do we have a license? To make sure (supposedly) that it isn't a Doofus that is going to be CC'ing. Keep (for now) the license, but allow those that are licensed the option, if they want.
Before Texas had CC, people knew that CC wasn't done. Now it seems to be ordinary to most, although they don't know who the 'people' are, they know they are there. It is conditioning. People would become accustomed to OC and conditioned in time. Police perspective and 'man with a gun calls'? It should be assumed that someone in OC mode had a permit. Just me talking, but seeing someone with a gun on does not alarm me. I think it to be rather an expected normal. Guess it's just my up-bringing that sets my frame of mind.
I'm not a lawyer nor a legislator, but, it seems terribly simple to me. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there. I wonder how many CC firearms are present in any given Wal-Mart at any given moment in time?
Before Texas had CC, people knew that CC wasn't done. Now it seems to be ordinary to most, although they don't know who the 'people' are, they know they are there. It is conditioning. People would become accustomed to OC and conditioned in time. Police perspective and 'man with a gun calls'? It should be assumed that someone in OC mode had a permit. Just me talking, but seeing someone with a gun on does not alarm me. I think it to be rather an expected normal. Guess it's just my up-bringing that sets my frame of mind.
I'm not a lawyer nor a legislator, but, it seems terribly simple to me. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there. I wonder how many CC firearms are present in any given Wal-Mart at any given moment in time?
- Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:35 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: open carry
- Replies: 194
- Views: 34006
Re: open carry
I wasn't advocating anything illegal. On the contrary, I was merely suggesting that the law be changed. I know that,s a steep hill to climb. Just seems a shame that a state with the culture history of Texas, open carry shouldn't even be questioned. Lots of history since it was OK to now. I do have a tendency to over-simplify things. Great forum. Lots of good stuff here.
I wasn't advocating anything illegal. On the contrary, I was merely suggesting that the law be changed. I know that,s a steep hill to climb. Just seems a shame that a state with the culture history of Texas, open carry shouldn't even be questioned. Lots of history since it was OK to now. I do have a tendency to over-simplify things. Great forum. Lots of good stuff here.
- Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:11 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: open carry
- Replies: 194
- Views: 34006
Re: open carry
Just my opinion, and maybe a little ignorance, but it seems to me there is a very simple solution. If you have the CHL, open carry IF YOU CHOOSE to.
Having read posts from other people on other forums, and their comments on OC , it is not a big deal to be doing so. Yes, there is the occasional hissy fit, but on the whole it seems rather normal.
Are there times that I would OC? Maybe. It just gives options. After all, it's not the law-abiding that are the problem.
Having read posts from other people on other forums, and their comments on OC , it is not a big deal to be doing so. Yes, there is the occasional hissy fit, but on the whole it seems rather normal.
Are there times that I would OC? Maybe. It just gives options. After all, it's not the law-abiding that are the problem.