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by Liko81
Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:48 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Printing- What amount is acceptable?
Replies: 52
Views: 14070

Re: Is there a definition for "concealed"

bpet wrote:Being new to concealed carry, I must admit that I'm still a little confused about what concealed really means. I've read many threads on this forum that talk about consequences of printing (hysterical women running screaming through the aisles of the walmart, children crying, and panic reaching a level of intensity that makes an earthquake seem mild), however, I'm still not clear on what would happen legally as long as the exposure was not intentional or threatening.
Printing and the definition of concealed are highly discretionary. If someone only casually scrutinizing your appearance could deduce beyond reasonable doubt that you are carrying a handgun, it is not concealed. However, a big bulge under your jacket at hip level is generally little else, and a big bulge inside your shirt and waistband around your hips is a bigger giveaway. Other things it could be (colostomy bag, external pacemaker, other medical device) are rarer than a handgun in most people's minds. A bulge at 6:00 IWB is a dead giveaway.

All that said, you're unlikely to find someone who notices it, realizes it for what it is, AND cares, as long as you take precautions to keep it out of plain sight.

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