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by The Annoyed Man
Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:51 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Uvalde School shooting
Replies: 385
Views: 382944

Re: Uvalde School shooting

03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:20 am
baseballguy2001 wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:00 pm Paldin has a very good point. Had the police stopped handcuffing & detaining parents who were trying to rescue their children, and went after the BG, how ever they were armed, there may well had been more survivors. 10 regular, armed citizens with Glocks (or similar) will stop one BG with an AR-15 every time. If the cops were going to stand down, then they should have handed their weapons over and allowed citizens to stop the threat.
:iagree: ... eport-says
Video Shows Police Never Tried To Open Door To Get In Texas Classroom Where Shooter Was, Report Says
Law enforcement officials reportedly never tried to open the door at a Texas elementary school last month where a shooter murdered 19 children.

“Surveillance footage shows that police never tried to open a door to two classrooms at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde in the 77 minutes between the time a gunman entered the rooms and massacred 21 people and officers finally breached the door and killed him,” the San Antonio Express-News reported, noting that the information came from a law enforcement official who was involved in investigating law enforcement’s response to the tragedy. “Investigators believe the 18-year-old gunman who killed 19 children and two teachers at the school on May 24 could not have locked the door to the connected classrooms from the inside.”
At some point, citizens have to serve notice to their local police departments that if they’re not going to do the hard part of their jobs, then they can all be fired and the citizens will take matters into their own hands. Failing that, cut their salaries in half. You shouldn’t have to pay someone that much money if all they’re going to do is write traffic tickets and take reports.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Jun 15, 2022 7:24 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Uvalde School shooting
Replies: 385
Views: 382944

Re: Uvalde School shooting

wheelgun1958 wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:42 pm A few dead bodies are a part of communist revolution.
I’m not down with them breaking my eggs to make their omelet.
by The Annoyed Man
Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:45 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Uvalde School shooting
Replies: 385
Views: 382944

Re: Uvalde School shooting

AF-Odin wrote: Thu Jun 09, 2022 9:42 am As well as the USC that defines the Militia particularly the Unorganized Militia which is specifically NOT the National Guard as being all Males between the ages of 18 and 45.
I’ve had that conversion before with others. My take is this…

The 2A doesn’t say "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of militia members to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

What it says is, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Thus, you do not lose your RKBA simply because you are beyond the age of 45—which was 25 years ago for me personally. The 2A doesn’t say your RKBA is age dependent. It says it shall not be infringed.

Absent age-of-majority laws, theoretically you would have the right from birth. In a virtuous society, it is the minor child's parents who determine if and when the child is mature enough to begin to exercise their RKBA…not the state. In fact, the founders wrote emphatically about the role of virtue in self-governance and liberty: ... e-freedom/

Both George Washington and John Adams stated unequivocally that our system of gov’t won’t work without a virtuous population. Why else do you think that the left is doing everything it can to eliminate virtuosity in our youth? The DNC can’t come right out and say that they reject our constitutional republic and seek to overthrow it. They would be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. Instead, they go after capturing our children by deliberately attempting to disconnect them from virtuosity.

Nobody with a brain can argue the importance of this. How many of us were around firearms from a young age, with nary an issue? How did this not result in mass shootings and a plague of accidental homicides? It didn’t result in those things—at least not nearly to the extent that they do today—because we made the cardinal virtues a regular part of child-rearing and education. Today, instead of teaching the virtues, we teach our children to explore the teacher's personal sexual pathologies and to learn how to put on drag queen makeup. Instead of learning about American exceptionalism's basis in liberty, they learn about America's systemic racism and gender oppression. They learn about the "unfairness" of capitalism instead of the horrors of communism. They lear; that right and wrong are relative. And on and on and on.

The left is an existential threat to our nation's political health.
by The Annoyed Man
Sat Jun 04, 2022 9:51 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Uvalde School shooting
Replies: 385
Views: 382944

Re: Uvalde School shooting

Mike S wrote: Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:55 pm The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center at Texas State University in San Marcos posted the below statement to their LinkedIn. For context, the curriculum for the DPS' School Safety Course is based on what ALERRT created as the national standard for active shooter response.
In the wake of the tragedy in Uvalde, we have had many people reach out and ask if our training or response protocols have changed. They have not.

We still teach that the priority of work for responders is to Stop the Killing first and Stop the Dying second.

If an arriving officer hears gunfire or sees other signs that there is active violence, they should move quickly to distract, isolate, and neutralize the attacker. If the attacker is not accessible through the primary access point, the officers should seek alternatives. These could include utilizing other access points (such as going through adjoining rooms), engaging the suspect through a window, or even breaking through drywall or other construction materials.

Even if the gunfire stops, responders must consider whether or not there are injured people in the room. These people probably need immediate medical assistance if they are going to survive. If the responders have information which indicates that there are injured people in a room, they need to gain access to that room as quickly as possible in order to stop the dying. The injured should be quickly stabilized and rapidly transported to definitive care.

We still teach the same priority of life - Innocent/injured people, responders, suspects. This prioritization does not mean that responders are expected to throw their lives away, but it does mean they are expected to assume risk to save lives. It does not mean that officers have to breach a door while taking fire through the door if there are other options, but it does mean that we expect them to continue trying to address the problems they are facing until the killing and dying have been stopped.

Also remember, fire personnel are probably on scene, and they have excellent breaching equipment and can access Knox boxes to get keys. Law enforcement should also integrate with fire and EMS as quickly as possible in order to save as many lives as possible.

The tragedy in Uvalde reinforces the need for constant training, the correct equipment, and competent leadership.

The families of Nevaeh Bravo, Jacklyn Jaylen Cazares, Makenna Lee Elrod, Jose Flores, Elianhna Garcia, Irma Garcia, Uziyah Garcia, Amerie Jo Garza, Xavier Lopez, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Tess Mata, Maranda Mathis, Eva Mireles, Alithia Ramirez, Annabell Rodriquez, Maite Rodriguez, Alexandria Aniyah Rubio, Layla Salazar, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Eliahana Cruz Torres, and Rojelio Torres deserve our best.

Your link didn’t work for me, but I found their same statement on their Facebook page: ... 223605754/
by The Annoyed Man
Thu Jun 02, 2022 8:39 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Uvalde School shooting
Replies: 385
Views: 382944

Re: Uvalde School shooting

K.Mooneyham wrote: Wed Jun 01, 2022 11:04 am The philosophy of libertarianism provides a useful check on statism, but the Party needs a lot of work. Sorry for my tangent.
I’m a philosophical libertarian, not a LP member. While I think that weed should probably be legalized, I think that it is FAR from our most pressing issue. There are other far more important problems to be dealt with, and anyone who thinks that weed is the main issue isn’t someone to take seriously. And anyone who thinks the border should be completely open, is someone who doesn’t believe in national integrity. Without national integrity, we have nothing to enforce the constitution. And without the constitution, we have no legal framework upon which to defend our RKBA. Anyone who supports open borders is a globalist pursuing the destruction of the country, whether they be leftists, or LP members.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Jun 01, 2022 8:13 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Uvalde School shooting
Replies: 385
Views: 382944

Re: Uvalde School shooting

srothstein wrote: Tue May 31, 2022 10:53 pm
C-dub wrote: Tue May 31, 2022 10:07 pm
philip964 wrote: Tue May 31, 2022 6:18 pm
Uvalde Police and school police no longer Cooperating with State Police investigation.
I think this is incorrect. I read that it was the chief of the school districts police that was not responding to a second interview request. He is not part of the Uvalde PD.
The Chief has obviously heard our advice to never talk to the police after you are involved in a shooting. The governor and the media have already characterized his decision as wrong and are looking for someone to blame for this tragedy. We all know who is primarily at fault here (the shooter), but there are enough mistakes that someone else will go down in flames. Will it just be a career ending decision or are they going to try to put someone in jail over this?

Look at what the media is doing to the Uvalde ISD Police Chief. Look at what they were doing to the unnamed teacher who propped the door open to go get something from her car. Does anyone on this forum still think the advice to not talk to the police if you are involved in a shooting is bad advice?

PS> I do not know if the ISD chief made a bad decision or not. I was not there and I do not know what was happening when he made the decision. I do know that the investigation is now going to take an even longer time to complete, at least in part because of the rush to judgment. I also do know that there are very different protocols for police handing an active shooter versus a barricaded armed subject, either with or without hostages.
Here’s what I do know:
by The Annoyed Man
Thu May 26, 2022 10:56 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Uvalde School shooting
Replies: 385
Views: 382944

Re: Uvalde School shooting

Paladin wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 9:45 am
parabelum wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 9:08 am I should also add that DD rifle looks to be equipped with an Eotech optic, another pricey item for an 18 yr old. Stinks. Definitely odd. ... ge-169.jpg

EOTECH XPS prices are $609-725 on Eotech's website.

DDM4®V7® lists at $1,870.00 on Daniel Defense's website

He also is said to have had body armor.
Anecdotally, street prices for most desirable ARs seem to be higher than MSRP.
by The Annoyed Man
Thu May 26, 2022 8:12 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Uvalde School shooting
Replies: 385
Views: 382944

Re: Uvalde School shooting

parabelum wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 7:38 am
Paladin wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 7:19 am This was a planned attack by at least one very sick individual: Uvalde Gunman Made Three Facebook Posts 30 Minutes Before Attack
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says the Uvalde shooter made three facebook posts in the 30 minutes before yesterday's attack:

- "I'm going to shoot my grandmother."

- "I shot my grandmother."

- "I'm going to shoot an elementary school."
In cases like this, which appears to be financed with at least $5,000, I always wonder if someone put him up to it.
I noticed that one AR he used appears to be Daniel Defense DDM4 V11 by the online pics. It took me years to be able to afford to buy one myself, with a $2k sticker. I too am wondering how an 18 year old can afford that. Looking at what is in the media about him, it doesn’t appear that he was a rich kid.
This is pure speculation on my part, but I think we’re going to find out that he was able to afford at least one DDM4 V11 (maybe two) by one of three means:

1. Prostitution.
2. He stole it from his grandmother (or someone else).
3. He was financed by a 3rd party who was setting up a false flag op.

Nobody has stepped up to this point and said, "oh, he was our employee", so it seems highly unlikely to me that he earned the money by legitimate means. (Edited to add…I didn’t see Paladin's post above about the Wendy's job until after I posted.)
by The Annoyed Man
Wed May 25, 2022 3:07 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Uvalde School shooting
Replies: 385
Views: 382944

Re: Uvalde School shooting

extremist wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 5:29 pm And yet, teachers refused to be armed to protect themselves and their students from maniacs like this.

I don't get it.
I first heard about this shooting from a woman I was fingerprinting yesterday for her TEA certification. She was mad as hell about it too. She said she’d had her carry license for years now, and she couldn’t understand why her school district steadfastly refuses to allow her and other teachers with LTCs to carry their sidearms in the classroom. It boggles the mind. I couldn’t disagree with her.

This morning, my wife and I attended our grandson's kindergarten graduation ceremony, at his school. I left my gun in the car, and we sat there for an hour and and a half in that school cafeteria while I prayed that no event like yesterday’s would happen this morning at this school. We were not wanded as we were admitted into the building, and I saw no visible metal detectors or anything like that as we entered. It appears that I could have snuck my gun into the building … which ALSO means that some crazed family member of one of the other kids—with murder on his mind—could have done the same.

It was a long and troubled walk both ways between our car and the school entrance, while I contemplated whether or not I should carry unlawfully the next time I attend an event at this school.

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