I think you showed exceptional control - both in a willingness to deal with this without lethal force, and in the ability to retain your weapon and disable the attack.
I would not have been so willing to go to the mat with the guy. For one thing, I'm not 6'2", 215lbs. (I wish I only weighed 215.) For another, due to health issues, I could have never prevailed. In short, once shoving contact was made, I would have drawn my weapon. If presenting the pistol did not make him back off at that point and he persisted in attacking, I would have shot him - particularly given his well documented past history of threatening and violent behavior.
Honestly, I would rather be able to handle it the way you did, but at my age and condition, it's not going to happen; all of which raises an interesting question...
Does anybody think that a CHL holder has a moral obligation to maintain tip top physical conditioning in order to carry concealed, so as to be able to put off the use of lethal force until physically unable to stop the attack? My own answer would be 'no.' It is unreasonable to assume that all CHL holders should be in Olympic condition; and a lot of people, myself included, got their CHL precisely because they know they are no longer physically able to engage in "boyish horseplay."