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by The Annoyed Man
Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:55 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: pump shotgun sound as deterrent
Replies: 52
Views: 9280

Re: pump shotgun sound as deterrent

03Lightningrocks wrote:PS..I don't know how scared a bad guy would get when they hear that sound but I can tell you my daughters Chihuahua runs like the wind when he hears it. We are thinking he might have been a BG in a past life. Maybe a Mexican drug smuggler or something. Knives scare him too.
Dude! You win this thread. "rlol"

That said, I have an aging pit bull/lab mix (almost 15 years old) and she can't hear me walking up behind her anymore, and she sleeps all the time now. Great dog, and I love her very much, but not much use anymore as a watch dog. My son owns a Mossberg shotty, and he sleeps in the room next to ours, but he sleeps even harder than the dog does. The only real advanced warning we have is if our alarm goes off in the middle of the night, in which case there's going to be some fancy scrambling to grab a gun — any gun — and deal with the intrusion. Fortunately, there are several guns, on top of or in my dresser, all in calibers beginning in "4", and all loaded and chambered, cocked and locked.

One of those pistols has a matching tactical light. I just haven't made up my mind whether it is better to use it, or to operate in the dark, ninja style. An intruder may have the tactical advantage of surprise, but I have the tactical advantage of knowing the layout of my home intimately, so maybe a light might be actually giving away an advantage. I haven't decided on that one yet.

As for the sound of a shotgun being pumped, I think it is 50/50 as to whether or not it is an advantage. On the one hand, it might be terrifying to the coward. On the other hand it might simply let the bold predator know where you are. Since you don't know which it is you are being forced to deal with, how to decide?

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