Johnny, I suspect that I am built like you, only more so, and I know what you mean about the rear sights "printing." That said, I often carry a full-sized 1911, and I couldn't care less about printing. I use both an OWB Galco "Concealable Belt Holster" and an IWB MTAC Minotaur. I also carry a full-sized S&W M&P 45, both in an OWB holster and in the MTAC. (Other carry guns include a 3" Kimber and a S&W 640 snubbie.)
The point is that if I were obsessing about printing, I'd never wear a gun. So what if you're printing a little bit? First, be assured that very, very few people are observant enough to realize that you have something on your belt, under your shirt; and those that do notice, have no way of knowing whether that bulge under your shirt is a PDA, an Insulin Pump, a glasses case, a calculator, a cellphone, a flashlight, or any one of a number of other possibilities. Plus, if your shirts have printed patterns on them, or they tend toward the darker colors, the printing will be considerably mitigated (do a forum search on "Hawaiian Shirt"). The only people who are likely to be noticing those things are other CHLers, and possibly LEOs, and even most of those two categories are not going to notice most of the time.
Plus, remember that "printing" is not a crime. "Deliberate failure to conceal" is a crime. That pretty much means walking around with your gun exposed to the casual viewer. So unless you are in an environment where you have to tuck your shirts in using a tuckable holster, this is not really something to spend much time worrying about.
Lastly, I would worry more about whether or not the J-clips on your holster hold the holster securely to your belt, and not so much about whether or not they are visible, because even if they were visible, the vast majority of casual viewers would not notice them.
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- by The Annoyed Man
- Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:50 am
- Forum: Holsters & Accessories
- Topic: IWB options
- Replies: 14
- Views: 2703
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