Is Texaspublican Mr. McCary, AKA MR. REDENCK? A) that's truly funny; and B) no wonder he wrote his OC bill in a manner to trash 30.06 for CHLs.Charles L. Cotton wrote:Mr. McCrary, how do you like your crow served -- rare or well done?Texaspublican wrote:I called every committee member today and also wrote them a letter. This bill infringes on Private Property Ownership. As a business owner, I find this kind of legislation offensive. I have no issues with guns inside of vehicles while on my property, but I have a serious issue with people who write such stupidity as this. Any bill that forces a private property owner to do something against their wishes is a Socialist Bill...
This bill is as good as dead! Texas business will not allow this to happen. The assumption that Legislative Committee will kill this bill makes me laugh. This bill has been thrown in the trash three times and it keeps comming back.
Get a clue! Texans do not want law's that infirnge on private property ownership!![]()
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- Sun May 29, 2011 1:38 pm
- Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
- Replies: 215
- Views: 80730
Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
- Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:55 pm
- Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
- Replies: 215
- Views: 80730
Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
No Charles, THANK YOU!!! I still consider myself sometimes to be a relatively new Texan, having only gotten here in 2006. But while I have always been a bit of a political junkie and an observer of the "game," I have never been that personally involved in political activism until recent years. To the extent that I am so today, I owe that directly to your inspiration. You are the person who has most made me aware that my individual participation, above and beyond the ballot box, is not only important, but a duty that cannot be denied.Charles L. Cotton wrote:Thanks for your efforts folks! Keep up the pressure by asking that it be voted favorably from committee during the hearing on Monday. We don't want it left pending; it's a delay tactic. When you call or write, thank the committee members for the early hearing.
Thanks for a job well done!
I can't presume to speak for others here on this forum, but I am daily thankful for everything you have done, and all that you continue to do, and for your inspiration to get involved and make a difference. Voting is the bare minimum responsibility. I don't want to be known for doing only the bare minimum any longer, even if it is only known to me.
- Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:36 pm
- Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
- Replies: 215
- Views: 80730
Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Show me what is constitutional about handicapped access when it comes to private property rights. You can't. Your intellectual dishonesty in this regard is starkly notable. The fact is, whether you like it or not, government has found among the "penumbras" and "emanations" a right of the handicapped to access to your business private property. You can sit here and make jejune arguments about it, but the actual FACT of the matter is that this is a battle you would lose, both here on the field of logic, and in court against a handicapped person or employee.Texaspublican wrote:Show me what " Constitutional" Right supports this bill that infringes on private property ownership?
Pro gun or Anti gun, it is necessary to respect the wishes of the property owners. If you dont agree, you have the right to leave.
Your little internet group has no measure against Texas Business.
Government has the right to force you to comply with zoning ordinances and building codes, even against your wishes as the private property owner, if you don't like the regulations. Government has the right to tax you on your property, long after the purchase was made. Government has the power to compel you to do, accommodate, pay for, or allow all kinds of things on your private property. They simply do. You can choose to deny it, but that's all it is - denial of reality. These are FACTS. You can live in denial of them if you want, but the denial is yours, in the face of the facts and the boots on the ground reality of it.
"Your little Internet group..." ...Are you kidding me? You've just proven that you're a troll.
- Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:54 pm
- Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
- Replies: 215
- Views: 80730
Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
I think you mean "the guy at the top of this page. The guy who started the thread is Charles Cotton.Liberty wrote:The guy who started this thread is a troll, whose first post is an anti gun post. unlikely he is a CHLer or cares a bit about the RKBA
- Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:36 pm
- Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
- Replies: 215
- Views: 80730
Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Actually, Texans have not been given a chance to vote on this, either directly, or vicariously through their representatives, because various combinations of Joe Strauss and the B&I committee who both seem to represent business interests very well have repeatedly made sure that The People never get a voice in the matter.Texaspublican wrote:I called every committee member today and also wrote them a letter. This bill infringes on Private Property Ownership. As a business owner, I find this kind of legislation offensive. I have no issues with guns inside of vehicles while on my property, but I have a serious issue with people who write such stupidity as this. Any bill that forces a private property owner to do something against their wishes is a Socialist Bill...
This bill is as good as dead! Texas business will not allow this to happen. The assumption that Legislative Committee will kill this bill makes me laugh. This bill has been thrown in the trash three times and it keeps comming back.
Get a clue! Texans do not want law's that infirnge on private property ownership!
Your statement doesn't hold water.... ....oh, and I say that as a small business owner myself.
I noticed that you just joined this forum today, and most of your activity since joining has been to protest a bill currently in committee which would expand the right to keep and bear arms.... ....on a forum dedicated to the support of concealed carry and the RKBA in Texas. With all due respect, I'm just curious if your commitment to our cause goes beyond trolling the board to argue against HB621.
- Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:26 pm
- Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
- Replies: 215
- Views: 80730
Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
You couldn't be more wrong. The state has the right to force you to make your business property accessible to the handicapped, and that forced compliance actually costs you money in the form of construction materials and zoning standards. And in that case, they are not even addressing a constitutional right. On the other hand, a parking lot bill simply prevents a business from forcing it's employees to surrender a constitutional right when they aren't even on the company clock, like when they are on the way to and from work. Passing this law, which will actually address a constitutional issue, will cost businesses no more, and probably less, than enforcing handicapped access compliance.Texaspublican wrote:I called every committee member today and also wrote them a letter. This bill infringes on Private Property Ownership. As a business owner, I find this kind of legislation offensive. I have no issues with guns inside of vehicles while on my property, but I have a serious issue with people who write such stupidity as this. Any bill that forces a private property owner to do something against their wishes is a Socialist Bill...
This bill is as good as dead! Texas business will not allow this to happen. The assumption that Legislative Committee will kill this bill makes me laugh. This bill has been thrown in the trash three times and it keeps comming back.
Get a clue! Texans do not want law's that infirnge on private property ownership!
Your argument doesn't hold up.... ....oh, and I am a business owner.
- Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:05 pm
- Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
- Replies: 215
- Views: 80730
Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Okeydokey... I called everybody. I have to say that all the people who answered were friendly and polite, and a few seemed to indicate a personal inclination to be in favor of it - not so much in terms of specific statements of their own opinions, but in enthusiastically identifying their bosses as coauthors.
In each case, I introduced myself by name, and explained that while I am not a direct constituent, I am a Texas resident who is phoning all of the members of the committee to express my concern over this bill. One of the ladies who answered said, "Well, you're doing it exactly the right way. Keep on being involved." Several asked for my phone number with the explanation that their chief of staff might want to phone me back, which I cheerfully gave them. I was surprised that even Rep. Gidding's staffer seemed genuinely glad to hear from a citizen, even regarding a bill that Ms. Giddings likely may not support. All in all it was a pretty painless experience.
In each case, I introduced myself by name, and explained that while I am not a direct constituent, I am a Texas resident who is phoning all of the members of the committee to express my concern over this bill. One of the ladies who answered said, "Well, you're doing it exactly the right way. Keep on being involved." Several asked for my phone number with the explanation that their chief of staff might want to phone me back, which I cheerfully gave them. I was surprised that even Rep. Gidding's staffer seemed genuinely glad to hear from a citizen, even regarding a bill that Ms. Giddings likely may not support. All in all it was a pretty painless experience.
- Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:39 pm
- Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
- Replies: 215
- Views: 80730
Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
I was additionally told that Orr had signed on as a co-author.Keith B wrote:I was just told by Rep. Orr's office that he was a strong supporter of this bill and they felt he would work to get it out of committee. I advised it needs to come to the top of the list and moved out of committee in order to give it ample opportunity to be read and voted on by both the House and Senate. Will see if it is lip service or if he will really try to help push it out.