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by The Annoyed Man
Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:23 am
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: My First EBR
Replies: 29
Views: 6582

Re: My First EBR

Lonest4r wrote:Does anyone know if there are any ranges in the area that will let you shoot milsurp ammo (green tips)? There are a number of great deals online right now for bulk ammo and I am thinking of pulling the trigger on some.
Elm Fork has a brand new 50 yard range where you can shoot FMJ, and optics are optional. I've shot an AR and an M1A with magnified optics there. It's a little more complicated, but all you have to do to get a 100 yard zero is know what height the ballistic chart says you bullet should be at at 50 yards on its way to 100 yards. For instance, if the bullet should be 2" above the line of sight (more correctly, the bore line) at 50 yards, then aim at the bullseye and adjust util your bullets are impacting 2" above your point of aim. There's your 100 yard zero. I wouldn't rely on that method to shoot accurately to 500 yards, but for 100 yards you should be fine.

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