It's not the
nation's income, it's
their income. It's not the
nation's wealth, its
their wealth. That's the problem with the progressive paradigm. It assumes that the money belongs to the nation, and the nation's proxy, the government. It does not. It belongs to the people who earn it. That is a fundamental tenet of the right to property, as understood and promoted by the Founders—that the acquisition and accumulation of wealth is private property just as is the acquisition and accumulation of farm acreage, cows, houses, pitchforks, and lanterns. Wealth is the fruit of one person's labor and it is his/her property. If he/she is so blessed as to have residual wealth upon his/death, then that wealth is properly inheritable by that persons's heirs just as is any other acquired and accumulated private property.
The government legally forces the taxpayer (whether it's the 1% or the 50%) to cough up a percentage, by act of Congress, as empowered in the Constitution. The Constitution does not argue
for a progressive tax. It merely empowers taxation. It is up to Congress to make taxation politically palatable to the people who have to pay it, but there is no constitutional imperative requiring a progressive tax structure—or a flat tax structure, or a VAT tax structure, or any other structure. In fact, the Constitution does not
require a tax. It merely empowers Congress to do so, should it so will.
So whether or not my numbers are off, and there are smart people with whom you obviously disagree who would likewise disagree with you, the principles are the same, and that
doesn't in the least change my argument that roads are not a gift from government. They are paid for by those taxpayers
who actually pay taxes (regardless of which percentage group they fall into). That tax money did not mysteriously appear. Somebody had to work for it, and then had to surrender a part of their earnings (which is their private property) to the state in order to stay out of jail. When anybody else does that to you, that is extortion. Only government can do that, and make no mistake....taxes are paid under duress and against the taxpayer's will. Believe me, if there were no criminal penalties for income tax evasion, the federal government would cease to exist in a matter of weeks......and that includes the "sainted middle class" and not just the "evil capitalists." Don't lie. If you didn't HAVE to pay income taxes, you know you wouldn't. If Warren Buffet didn't HAVE to pay taxes, you know he wouldn't. (I actually know a little something about the man, and he is biggest cheapskate ever, despite being a billionaire many times over. He
says he wouldn't mind paying higher taxes.....well what's stopping him? NOTHING. But he's still not volunteering to pay them.)
Those roads that Obama talks of are NOT paid for by the 47% who don't pay any income tax. They simply aren't. But that same 47% uses those roads, and even claims an entitlement to that use and gets upset when they fall into disrepair—even though they won't volunteer to pay money to fix them anymore than a rich person wants to volunteer it.
So any claim that this 47% which paid nothing for the development of the Internet (my place of business), paid nothing for the time and effort I put into learning how to do what I do (building and hosting of websites), and for the most part cannot afford my services (a completed and functioning well designed site OR a hosting account), in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM helped me to build my business. That's just a down and dirty lie. When Obama says it, that makes him a down and dirty liar.
I am NOT saying that those 47%-ters did not work hard at whatever it is they do, and I'm not saying they are bad people lacking good character. I AM saying that they in no way helped to build my business anymore than I helped to drive their truck or mop their floor or serve those burgers or teach those first graders (or whatever they do), or anymore than they helped to build the roads we both use—unless they actually
worked on building those roads, in which case, THEY GOT PAID FOR IT, and that is ALL the credit they get or deserve.....the paycheck for the work done.
And to reverse that for just a moment, I would never be so morally corrupt to claim that
I built the road and try to take the credit for
their labor. I don't personally believe in stolen valor; and I do believe that one who claims stolen valor is a corrupt thief and a liar. I did not build those roads. But I did pay for it, through my taxes. That is not a claim that non-taxpayers (who also benefit from the Internet too, by the way, just like they do from the roads) cannot make. NOBODY gets to claim glory for something they didn't do (like claiming glory for fixing the economy when everything you did makes it worse), and it is doubly repugnant with a bald-faced liar of a president picks out the single biggest group of job makers in the nation—the small business owners—and tries to steal the credit for the sacrifices that those people made.........and let me tell you, the sacrifices are many. I can tell you about small business owners I know personally who ate rice and beans for a month or longer so that their employees would not miss a paycheck. Who took out seconds on their mortgages so that their employees would not miss a paycheck. Who passed on taking a vacation so their employees would not miss a paycheck. Who actually took home less pay than their employees, so that their emplyees would not miss a paycheck. Who had nothing left in the bank at the end of the year so that their employees would not miss a paycheck. And then that lying buffoon of a president says that
those employers didn't make that happen? It makes me want to puke. He is disgusting and sickening.
When Obama claims that I did not build my business; that it wasn't my blood sweat and tears that built it, and then ties to "steal my valor" so to speak and give it away so cheaply to people who did not have a thing to do with it, then he has earned my undying emnity.
He is an evil man. Not just wrong as Hades, but evil. And he is just downright ignorant. Willfully stupid. How anyone like him got elected president is a perfect study in crafting messages that mean nothing. Oh yea, the "most transparent administration in American history," which turns out to be the most opaque administration in history, which turns out to circumvent congress at every opportunity and rule by executive fiat, which places dozens of unelected unaccountable czars over the affairs of the people, an directs those csars to repeatedly violate the laws passed by congress........
Obama is more corrupt than Richard Nixon was. He is, without a shadow of a doubt, THE most corrupt and morally bent president we've ever had. He got elected purely on the vapid stupidity of voters who very obviously knew nothing about the man and studiously ignored any suggestions that he might be unfit for office, choosing instead to vote for him based on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.
And THAT is racist, exactly as Martin Luther King described it when he preached of looking forward to the day when his children would be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.
If he is reelected, we are doomed.