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by The Annoyed Man
Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:39 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

Here is the best breakdown I've seen yet of the Obama/Elizabeth Warren "You didn't build that" speeches. As is often the case, there is no believer on fire like a mid-life convert (which includes me). This person has a blog, and he also posts under the nom de plume of "Zombie" on Pajama Meda. He identifies himself as a hard core liberal right up until 9/11, which is when he awoke from his intellectual slumbers.

This article absolutely DESTROYS the collectivist "you didn't build that" arguments, and I invite you all to read it, and to use the points he makes (using government facts and figures) to completely refure your unreasoning friends and family: ... epage=true
President Obama’s instantly infamous “You didn’t build that” speech is a major turning point of the 2012 election not because it was a gaffe but because it was an accurate and concise summary of core progressive fiscal dogma. It was also a political blunder of epic proportions because in his speech Obama unintentionally proved the conservatives’ case for limited government.

This essay will show you how.

When Obama implied at the Roanoke, Virginia rally that some businessmen refuse to pay for public works from which they benefit, he presented a thesis which, like a three-legged stool, relies on three assumptions that must all be true for the argument to remain standing:

1. That the public programs he mentioned in his speech constitute a significant portion of the federal budget;
2. That business owners don’t already pay far more than their fair share of these expenses; and
3. That these specific public benefits are a federal issue, rather than a local issue.

If any of these legs fails, then the whole argument collapses.

For good measure, we won’t just kick out one, we’ll kick out all three.
This is a brilliant analysis, and "Zombie" is going to become part of my regular reading.
by The Annoyed Man
Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:49 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

Back on topic......

One of the Obama campaign's primary voices—Jonathan Chait—says that a Romney ad which makes use of the "You didn't build that" soundbite is an example of racism. Read Chait's column here: ... works.html

Here is the ad in question:


Jonathan Chait's objection......get this......isn't that Obama did or didn't say those words; it's not that Chait says the words were taken out of context; rather, it's that Obama spoke them in his "black voice," and that this is, according to Chait, not how Obama normally speaks. Therefore, the ad is racist because it appeals to the racial divide.

Now, I dont' know about any of you, but A) most of America is so clearly post-racial that nobody even notices those kinds of differences anymore; B) I know plenty of white people who speak like that when they get excited or worked up; and C) Obama's public speaking is almost universally delivered in that style of diction. He may speak differently in private, but most of us will never know what he sounds like in private. That IS how he speaks in public. If we can't comment on any of his pronouncements because he "sounds black" when he delivers them, then how on earth are thinking people supposed to respond to anything he says? Furthermore, if he doesn't want people to think he "sounds black," then don't speak that way!!! Good gravy, how crazy is this in a world where only liberals care how he "sounds?"

And that's the point of the race card, isn't it? Some morally bent person has no other argument, so he throws down the race card in an attempt to stop ALL speech which is critical of the object of his esteem. That is liberals, and that is democrats for you. When the kitchen gets too hot for a liberal, he doesn't open a window or turn on a fan; he turns off the stove. He says, "We're not going to talk anymore. I'm going to speak, and you're going to listen!" History is full of people like that: Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Kim Il Sung, Saddam Hussein, and yes, Hitler.

Liberalism is one or both of two possibilities: it is terminally childish, and/or a mental disorder. It's adherents can only preach their class envy, multicultural division, grievance group primacy, and nanny state statism in the marketplace of ideas by refusing access to the market by anybody else—shutting down free speech and accusing anyone who disagrees of being a racist.

That's all they've got: "Your a racist! Disagree with me? That's because you're a racist! Don't want to pay too much in taxes? You're a racist! Don't want government to dictate your healthcare options to you? You're a racist! You cling to your guns and your religion because you're a racist! RACIST, RACIST, RACIST!!!!"

Well, I'm done with it. Lefties are insane. Period. They are crazy. Furthermore, their classist divisiveness which insists that people of one subgroup of Americans or other cannot make it without leftist help is, in itself, deeply deeply racist.

In a largely post-racial America, where the only people beating the racist drum are themselves deeply and disturbingly racist, I have nothing to say to such people. I cannot take them seriously. They are either children or crazy or both, but they are no longer in control of their faculties. They are completely devoid of critical thinking skills, and their moral compass is permanently broken. They are relevant for one reason, and one reason only: they control most of the media.

And that is scary stuff.

The only way to beat it is to mock it. Mock it until it holds no power over anything anymore. Mock it until it is so fully and completely marginalized that whenever anybody throws down the race card, the response of hoots and catcalls is so overwhelming that the fragile egos who resort to it will finally silence themselves under the sting of public ridicule and shunning.

The race card is weak sauce. But it isn't only weak sauce, it is evil most of the time. It used to have truth behind it, but continuously inappropriate accusations have robbed it of any meaning, and it has come to be the modern equivalent of the boy who cried "Wolf!" All tools of speech are most effective when sparingly used, because that is how they hold onto their importance. Whenever a simple political disagreement causes one party to call the other a nazi, it trivializes the real historical horror and brutality of the Third Reich. Similarly, when "Racist!" is all you've got, it trivializes the real scars left on the backs of real black slaves by the whip of the plantation overseer.

So what we are seeing now is the intellectual bankruptcy of the leftist movement and the democratic party. Obama's "you didn't build that" comments exposed them ideologically for what they are deep down to the bone, and people don't like it. They are out of ideas, Rasmussen (the only reliable polster) has Romney up 5 points in the wake of Obama's gaff, and all they've got left is the race card. It would be pitiful if they weren't so dangerous to the nation's future.
by The Annoyed Man
Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:01 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

anygunanywhere wrote:Darn. Missed it again.

You didn't miss much. Apparently another person who can't express himself without a potty mouth. We're extremists, and Obama is not even close to the most liberal president we've ever had, but of course, he himself is a neutral observer and we're all stupid, yada yada yada. Funny how some folks never have an original thought and are so predictable.
by The Annoyed Man
Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:20 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

erkfox wrote:Hi Im new to the forums and about to hack most of you off. Not my intention, but I know from lurking, most people In this forum will tend to lean right.
Of course it is your intention, otherwise, why post it? If it walks like a troll, talks like a troll, and smells like a troll.....

Dude, obviously you've not read or don't care about the forum's posting rules with regard to language. I tried to report your post, but somebody beat me to it. In addition to being just plain wrong, you're not very socially adept. Thank you for cussing at me. I always like a guy better when he cusses me out, because then I better know where we stand with one another.

Have a nice day. Better yet, please enjoy the kind of day your classiness entitles you to. :tiphat:

And by the way, I first heard the whole quote.....all of it.....when he first spoke it, before it was getting parsed by everyone. He said what he said. I'm a small business owner. I get it. He doesn't. Apparently, neither do you.

And by the way, Lewis Black is a (sometimes) funny comedian, not some great philosopher or political thinker.
by The Annoyed Man
Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:14 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

To show just how preposterous the Clown in Chief is, I submit for your entertainment the following:
by The Annoyed Man
Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:50 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

Fangs wrote:I read a study a while back that claimed 50% of the world's population gets by on less than $1 per day. When my bleeding heart liberal friends try to explain that we owe the poor children of the world all the rich people's money, I toss that in there and ask them how they like paying for all the starving children out of their super-rich lifestyle now. It's amusing. :biggrinjester:
Yer darn tootin' it's funny. I ask them "how many children are you sponsoring through World Vision so far?" That usually net's a glance downward at the ground.... or anywhere but at my eyes... and a "uh....well none....yet...." Like it was ever their intention to be personally charitable out of their own pockets. :roll:

That's one of the big motivators behind liberal thinking. They want to be charitable because it makes them feel good, but they want it to cost someone else, not themselves. Which means that they completely miss the point of charity. "Here, let me give you some money" means not nearly the same as "Here, let me give you his money."

Liberals. You could almost laugh at their antics if they weren't so dangerous to the economy or our natural God-given rights.
by The Annoyed Man
Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:50 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

Mark Alexander is a clear eyed thinker, who brings light to the darkness of liberal/progressive (socialist/communist) muddy-the-waters-as-much-as-possible thinking:
Socialism v Free Enterprise: Translating ObamaSpeak
What He Said v What He Meant
By Mark Alexander · July 19, 2012
Benjamin Franklin wrote:"Here comes the orator! With his flood of words, and his drop of reason." --Benjamin Franklin (Poor Richards Almanack, 1735)
Trust me, I never operated a lemonade stand, but I'm the president!
Barack Hussein Obama never so much as operated a corner lemonade stand, but his perspective on free enterprise, shaped by his lifelong socialist indocrtination, is certainly getting some traction.

Invoking the two pillars of his re-election campaign, tax "fairness" and class warfare, Obama first focused on the tax piece, asserting, "I'm not going to see us gut the investments that grow our economy."

In ObamaSpeak, "gut the investments" translates as "cut taxes," and "grow the economy" translates as "grow the government." This remark was a smokescreen in regard to Democrat efforts to let the across-the-board Bush tax rates expire, which, in effect, will raise taxes on all Americans who earn a living rather than live on the dole.
More here

However, in all of this, there is some small little bit of poetic justice: ... ne-to-pray

Somebody in the adminstration said (probably lying about it) that he was daily on his knees praying for rain for drought stricken farmers, and he got in trouble with the libtard atheists. We must mind our political correctness P's and Q's, mustn't we?
by The Annoyed Man
Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:31 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

AND, to add insult to injury, we have George Bush to thank for this one, and Obama to thank for continuing it! ... z2169UZmB0
USDA partnering with Mexico to boost food stamp participation
Published: 1:07 AM 07/19/2012

By Caroline May

NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 10: Kethia Dorelus a social worker with the Cooperative Feeding Program displays a Federal food stamps card that is used to purchase food on February 10, 2011 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The Mexican government has been working with the United States Department of Agriculture to increase participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps.
Just when do America's taxpayers, including those who "didn't build their business—someone else did that" get some relief from this insanity?

And how much more does this type of insanity push people away from the ballot box and toward the bullet box?
by The Annoyed Man
Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:54 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

tallmike wrote:That top 1% also brings home 25% of the nations income and they control 40% of the nations wealth ( ... 22655.html" onclick=";return false;). Yep, it sounds like they are being taxed to death.
It's not the nation's income, it's their income. It's not the nation's wealth, its their wealth. That's the problem with the progressive paradigm. It assumes that the money belongs to the nation, and the nation's proxy, the government. It does not. It belongs to the people who earn it. That is a fundamental tenet of the right to property, as understood and promoted by the Founders—that the acquisition and accumulation of wealth is private property just as is the acquisition and accumulation of farm acreage, cows, houses, pitchforks, and lanterns. Wealth is the fruit of one person's labor and it is his/her property. If he/she is so blessed as to have residual wealth upon his/death, then that wealth is properly inheritable by that persons's heirs just as is any other acquired and accumulated private property.

The government legally forces the taxpayer (whether it's the 1% or the 50%) to cough up a percentage, by act of Congress, as empowered in the Constitution. The Constitution does not argue for a progressive tax. It merely empowers taxation. It is up to Congress to make taxation politically palatable to the people who have to pay it, but there is no constitutional imperative requiring a progressive tax structure—or a flat tax structure, or a VAT tax structure, or any other structure. In fact, the Constitution does not require a tax. It merely empowers Congress to do so, should it so will.

So whether or not my numbers are off, and there are smart people with whom you obviously disagree who would likewise disagree with you, the principles are the same, and that doesn't in the least change my argument that roads are not a gift from government. They are paid for by those taxpayers who actually pay taxes (regardless of which percentage group they fall into). That tax money did not mysteriously appear. Somebody had to work for it, and then had to surrender a part of their earnings (which is their private property) to the state in order to stay out of jail. When anybody else does that to you, that is extortion. Only government can do that, and make no mistake....taxes are paid under duress and against the taxpayer's will. Believe me, if there were no criminal penalties for income tax evasion, the federal government would cease to exist in a matter of weeks......and that includes the "sainted middle class" and not just the "evil capitalists." Don't lie. If you didn't HAVE to pay income taxes, you know you wouldn't. If Warren Buffet didn't HAVE to pay taxes, you know he wouldn't. (I actually know a little something about the man, and he is biggest cheapskate ever, despite being a billionaire many times over. He says he wouldn't mind paying higher taxes.....well what's stopping him? NOTHING. But he's still not volunteering to pay them.)

Those roads that Obama talks of are NOT paid for by the 47% who don't pay any income tax. They simply aren't. But that same 47% uses those roads, and even claims an entitlement to that use and gets upset when they fall into disrepair—even though they won't volunteer to pay money to fix them anymore than a rich person wants to volunteer it.

So any claim that this 47% which paid nothing for the development of the Internet (my place of business), paid nothing for the time and effort I put into learning how to do what I do (building and hosting of websites), and for the most part cannot afford my services (a completed and functioning well designed site OR a hosting account), in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM helped me to build my business. That's just a down and dirty lie. When Obama says it, that makes him a down and dirty liar.

I am NOT saying that those 47%-ters did not work hard at whatever it is they do, and I'm not saying they are bad people lacking good character. I AM saying that they in no way helped to build my business anymore than I helped to drive their truck or mop their floor or serve those burgers or teach those first graders (or whatever they do), or anymore than they helped to build the roads we both use—unless they actually worked on building those roads, in which case, THEY GOT PAID FOR IT, and that is ALL the credit they get or deserve.....the paycheck for the work done.

And to reverse that for just a moment, I would never be so morally corrupt to claim that I built the road and try to take the credit for their labor. I don't personally believe in stolen valor; and I do believe that one who claims stolen valor is a corrupt thief and a liar. I did not build those roads. But I did pay for it, through my taxes. That is not a claim that non-taxpayers (who also benefit from the Internet too, by the way, just like they do from the roads) cannot make. NOBODY gets to claim glory for something they didn't do (like claiming glory for fixing the economy when everything you did makes it worse), and it is doubly repugnant with a bald-faced liar of a president picks out the single biggest group of job makers in the nation—the small business owners—and tries to steal the credit for the sacrifices that those people made.........and let me tell you, the sacrifices are many. I can tell you about small business owners I know personally who ate rice and beans for a month or longer so that their employees would not miss a paycheck. Who took out seconds on their mortgages so that their employees would not miss a paycheck. Who passed on taking a vacation so their employees would not miss a paycheck. Who actually took home less pay than their employees, so that their emplyees would not miss a paycheck. Who had nothing left in the bank at the end of the year so that their employees would not miss a paycheck. And then that lying buffoon of a president says that those employers didn't make that happen? It makes me want to puke. He is disgusting and sickening.

When Obama claims that I did not build my business; that it wasn't my blood sweat and tears that built it, and then ties to "steal my valor" so to speak and give it away so cheaply to people who did not have a thing to do with it, then he has earned my undying emnity.

He is an evil man. Not just wrong as Hades, but evil. And he is just downright ignorant. Willfully stupid. How anyone like him got elected president is a perfect study in crafting messages that mean nothing. Oh yea, the "most transparent administration in American history," which turns out to be the most opaque administration in history, which turns out to circumvent congress at every opportunity and rule by executive fiat, which places dozens of unelected unaccountable czars over the affairs of the people, an directs those csars to repeatedly violate the laws passed by congress........

Obama is more corrupt than Richard Nixon was. He is, without a shadow of a doubt, THE most corrupt and morally bent president we've ever had. He got elected purely on the vapid stupidity of voters who very obviously knew nothing about the man and studiously ignored any suggestions that he might be unfit for office, choosing instead to vote for him based on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.

And THAT is racist, exactly as Martin Luther King described it when he preached of looking forward to the day when his children would be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

If he is reelected, we are doomed.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:56 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

tallmike wrote:The sound bite makes it sound like he is taking away all credit for individual accomplishment, but the entire statement is far from that and his point is valid.

What we achieve is not in a vacuum. We all benefit from the society we live in, including the infrastructure and security our government provides.
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.
Yes, some of his words could have been chosen better when you put it all in context and give it some rational thought you can see that it is true.
Again, I understood his message. I disagreed with it, but I understood it. But I did not hit the boiling point until that sanctimonious creep took the conversation there. The reaction is on his head. In broad terms, roughly 1% of taxpayers pay 95% of all federal taxes, and 47% pay NO taxes (so technically, they aren't even "taxpayers"), and the remaining 52% of taxpayers pay about 5% of all federal taxes There isn't a single member of that non-taxpaying 47% who have who built any single part of my business. I BUILT IT! MY effort. MY financial investment. MY risk. MY hard work, long hours, short pay, and little sleep. They didn't even pay for the technologies which made my business possible. And they aren't even the ones who will buy my services because A) they have no use for them; and B) they mostly can't afford them. Since that 1% who paid 95% of the taxes—again of which the 47% paid none—paid for the roads that the 47% use to get to their jobs or to drive to the welfare office, I reject that they had anything to do with building my business. That is simply untrue. Furthermore, that portion of those who fall between the 47% and the 1%, in other words, those who collectively paid about 5% of all taxes paid, and who actually DID build the roads that I use......GOT PAID FOR IT. It wasn't their gift to me, or anybody else. In fact, many of them were members of unions which extorted exorbitant contracts out of the contracting firms which were contracted to build the roads, thereby driving up the cost of the contracts to the entire taxpayer base.

The only power that government has over wealth is to destroy it. It cannot create it. If you don't believe that, simply look at North Korea or the former Soviet Union, where the economy is/was controlled 100% from the top down by government. Show me someone who became a billionaire in the USSR in the "above ground" economy. You can't. There are none. In the top down economy, billionaires are impossible unless either A) they were already so before the top down economy came to pass, or B) they made their billions in the black market—which necessarily exists, by the way because top down economies are incapable of meeting even the most basic needs of their populaces. Again, if you don't believe me, read up on the Soviet famines of the 1921 and 1932, or the more recent famine in North Korea in the past 10 years. Here in the U.S. with fundamental capitalist principles in play and encourage by government until perhaps the past 50 years or so, there has never been a nationwide famine in our entire 236 year history. Individual hunger and poverty, yes, but systemic hunger and poverty, NO. Capitalism did that. Capitalism is the engine of democracy and freedom and prosperity, not the other way around. People who built their businesses did that. I am a website designer and I have no employees (and never will until government gets out of my business). The Internet, when it wasn't busy being invented by Al Gore, was actually created by Darpa, with funds paid for at the source almost entirely by the top 1% taxpayers. The additional research that made it accessible to universities was paid for at the source almost entirely by the top 1% of taxpayers. The venture capitalism which led to the massive burst of IT technologies of which we are the direct beneficiaries, was funded at the source almost entirely by the top 1% of taxpayers. Obama's salary is paid for at the source almost entirely by the top 1% of tax payers. The top 1% of taxpayers paid to redecorate the White House when he moved into it.

I wish Obama was retarded, because it would more charitably explain his complete fecklessness and I could simply worry that he's just not up to the intellectual rigors required of a president. But he's not retarded, and his language in that speech wasn't stupidity talking. It was a taunt from a mean spirited little policy wonk who thinks that the people work for the government, not the other way around. For a brief moment, he displayed his true marxist, Alinsky colors. I'm not only not going to let go of that, I'm going to trumpet it from the rooftops. I'm going to hammer on Obama until election day with this, and with the long list of other grievances he has accrued to his name. I've spoken to roughly 24 different small business owners just since yesterday, and this is ALL they are talking about, and they are ALL incredibly insulted and angry. He has permanently alienated most of the small business community, which according to the SBA (

Small firms:
• Represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms.
• Employ half of all private sector employees.
• Pay 44 percent of total U.S. private payroll.
• Generated 65 percent of net new jobs over the past 17 years.
• Create more than half of the nonfarm private GDP.
• Hire 43 percent of high tech workers ( scientists, engineers, computer programmers, and others).
• Are 52 percent home-based and 2 percent franchises.
• Made up 97.5 percent of all identified exporters and produced 31 percent of export value in FY 2008.
• Produce 13 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms.

But apparently, Obama doesn't believe that. He believes that if it weren't for the efforts of almost anybody except the business owner, these businesses wouldn't if the blood sweat and tears invested by these business owners were the last reason for their success. He is a deeply evil and deceitful man, and he has demonstrated that he is morally not worthy of the office.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:16 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

And related: ... -americans
For the First Time, Canadians Now Richer Than Americans
The average Canadian household is worth about $40,000 more than their American counterparts
While Americans might enjoy throwing politically-charged barbs at their neighbors to the north, Canadians now have at least one reason to be smug.

For the first time in recent history, the average Canadian is richer than the average American, according to a report cited in Toronto's Globe and Mail.

And not just by a little. Currently, the average Canadian household is more than $40,000 richer than the average American household. The net worth of the average Canadian household in 2011 was $363,202, compared to around $320,000 for Americans.

If you're thinking the Canadian advantage must be due to exchange rates, think again. The Canadian dollar has actually caught up to the U.S. dollar in recent years.

"These are not 60-cent dollars, but Canadian dollars more or less at par with the U.S. greenback," Globe and Mail's Michael Adams writes.

To add insult to injury, not only are Canadians comparatively better-off than Americans, they're also more likely to be employed. The unemployment rate is 7.2 percent—and dropping—in Canada, while the U.S. is stuck with a stubbornly high rate of 8.2 percent.
Small business owners didn't build that (systemic financial failure). Obama built it.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:56 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

sjfcontrol wrote:Most of the stupid things he says are stupid mistakes. (57 states, repeatedly mispronouncing "corpsman", etc.) This is not only stupid, but insulting to the extreme, and it wasn't a mistake, he really meant it, and meant to say it.
It was entirely consistent with his view of flyover state voters who "cling to their guns and their religion."

The man is beneath contempt.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:54 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: I could've sworn those guys built that...
Replies: 86
Views: 10869

Re: I could've sworn those guys built that...

AndyC wrote:I wonder if TAM appreciates all the "help" that the gov't has given him in getting his web-development business going... :cool:
I've been boiling over ever since he opened his yap. I'd like to tell him a thing or three:
  1. The government didn't give us roads, it charged us for them through our taxes.
  2. 1% of the taxpayers pay 95% of the taxes that paid for those roads.
  3. 47% of all taxpayers pay no federal taxes at all.
  4. THEREFORE, Mr. Obama, by your own logic, those 47% of taxpayers—who use the roads but did not pay for them—ought to fall down on their knees in gratitude to the 1% of the taxpayers (i.e. business owners and captains of industry) who did pay for them.
  5. And yet, that 1% has never EVER asked for a toll to be collected from the 47% THAT THOSE 47% DIDN'T APPROVE OF THEMSELVES!!!
Go put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Obama; 'cause that bong you've apparently been hitting since high school has got the wrong dope in it. The dope is all hanging off the end of it. The mouthpiece end.

You know, I understood the argument he was trying to make.......disagreed with it, but understood the point he was trying to make........until HE chose to go to the dark place.

The guy is a through and through marxist, right down to the bone. He promised us change. He has nearly killed us. If he is reelected, he'll give us the coup de grace. We simply cannot afford another four years of Obama.

And the thing about refusing to apologize for suggesting that Romney is a felon..............Mr. Obama, you're the dang president. YOU control the Justice Department. If you think that this true, then I flat DARE you to tell Eric 'What Guns' Holder to file federal charges against Romney for this allegedly serious violation of SEC law. That's what any RIGHT thinking executive would do. File the charges and arrest the man. If you're not willing to do that, THEN SHUT THE HECK UP!!!

The president is a commie moron, a thief, a liar, and an incipient dictator. I will be hanged if I'll keep quiet about his fecklessness.

You want to know what is coming down the pike if Obama gets reelected?

Organizations like the NRA will be in violation of federal law for collectively expressing the free speech rights of its membership: 4 states have already passed resolutions to support this amendment to the Constitution—Hawaii, New Mexico, Vermont, and Rhode Island. Massachusetts is about to become the 5th.

Here are some replies to that amendment which explain why it is so dangerous.......not just unwise, but downright dangerous: ... 00237.html ... dment.html
This post by Eugene Volokh delves into the complications: ... al-rights/ ... es-rights/ ... w-j-franck

THIS will become a high priority for Obama if he gets reelected. You can count on it. But the stupid moron doesn't realize that turnabout is fair play. So if a republican got elected, he could use this law to suppress He could use it to suppress, etc., etc., etc. In other words, this IS NOT about perserving the free speech of individuals. It is about SUPPRESSING individuals from leveraging one another's resources to collectively express political speech. And that, my friends, is overt suppression of the first amendment. You will be able to stand on a corner by yourself and hand out pamphlets, but you will be in violation of federal law if you and three of your friends buy a larger number of pamphlets together to hand out on 4 different street corners.

I believe, with all my heart and mind, that if Obama is reelected, he will so completely change the face of the United States and so completely neuter our freedoms that the country will become indistinguishable from western Europe. He is vile. He is morally compromised. He is a liar and a cheat. He is a criminal.....he just hasn't been caught yet.

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