Well, since it's Hollywood, the bad guys will be "Tea Party Terorists", or "Radical Republicans", or something like that.WildBill wrote:It's interesting to me how, through the years, how the BG du jour in movies have changed.AndyC wrote:The plot was originally about the Chinese invading - but the producers wanted revenue from showing their movie in China, so the bad guys were changed in post-production.JSThane wrote:...half the walk was spent with her spluttering over the North Koreans somehow having the resources to invade (they don't), over the North Koreans using American equipment, trucks, etc (they don't),
I agree - although dated, perhaps, the original was still better.
I am old enough to remember the Germans, Japanese, communists, drug dealers, the Mafia, corrupt politicians, drug smugglers, European terrorists, middle eastern terrorists as the bad guys.
You can almost date a movie by the group of bad guys that the hero is fighting.
I wonder who will be next.
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- Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:21 pm
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- Topic: Had to prove a "movie" point to my kids
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