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by The Annoyed Man
Sun Dec 11, 2016 3:09 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: I got busted today...
Replies: 51
Views: 42567

Re: I got busted today...

Liberty wrote:I think that clerks in a small local retail establishment are a lot more likely to be sizing up each customer than almost anyone. The situational awareness of these people is a lot higher than the zombie patrols at Walmart.
The weekend after Thanksgiving day, my wife and I took our RV to Lake Whitney for a few days. On Monday, we dropped in to the Texas Great Country Café & Pie Pantry for lunch. The place posted 30.07, and I was carrying my G19 concealed in a Safariland 6378 OWB holster — which doesn't exactly do a great job of hiding the outlines of a holstered pistol. I just don't care that much anymore as long as I'm compliant with the letter of the law. Concealed is concealed.......even when it's a terrible concealment job. So I'm wearing a flannel shirt for a cover garment, loosely draped over this contraption, and it was no doubt conspicuous to anyone who looks for that sort of thing. Truthfully though, very few people are looking for that sort of thing.

Keep in mind that I'm a lefty, and we were at a table against a wall, with my left side facing outward. Upon being seated, I immediately noticed a couple of younger men seated at the table to my left. The one who was seated at the same of their table as I was at ours, was obviously right handed — as evidenced by the obvious large framed semiauto on his right hip, "concealed" under a tightly fitting long-sleeved T-shirt. I'm not prepared to testify as to brand, model, or caliber, but I'm comfortable saying that it was a double-stack pistol of approximately 4.5" barrel length ; and it was even more poorly concealed than mine.

Neither his poorly concealed gun nor mine appeared to upset anyone, let alone the proprietors who had posted the 30.07 sign.

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