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by The Annoyed Man
Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:40 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy
Replies: 15
Views: 10190

Re: Good Contact - Harris County Deputy

I'm generally a "go with the flow of traffic" driver. I do have a radar/laser detector, but I don't use it to's more of a "there's cops around, so pay attention" kind of thing. If traffic is moving slower than the speed limit, I will try to work my way around it. In that regard, I'm kind of a "either lead, follow, or get the heck out of the way" driver. On the open road......say Interstate 40 between Amarillo and Albuquerque, I do speed, but no what I would call excessively so. If the limit is 70, I'll be doing 75-80. But then, so is almost everyone else. When I head that way next month, I'll be towing a trailer, so going a LOT slower..

I used to speed all the time, particularly if I was on a motorcycle. But my last moving violation was in a car on Christmas Eve 1999 - for speeding of course - doing 65 in a 55 zone on a long steep downhill straightaway on a mountain road. It was my first moving violation in a long time. I had coasted to that speed rather than accelerated to it, and I wasn't intentionally trying to go faster; I just wasn't paying attention, and it was a radar speed trap. I bought my first radar detector shortly after that. Haven't had a moving violation since.

And like Soccerdad1995 said, if you're holding up traffic in the left lane, even if you are going over the speed limit, PLEASE get the heck out of the way. Move over and let people pass. Don't be a selfish (or self-righteous) twit. The frustration you cause the other drivers actually increases the danger on the road. Yes, they should remain calm, but human nature is what it is, and many won't. Get out of their ways, and let them by. If they want to kill themselves, let them, but don't be stupid and make yourself the object of their road rage. Get out of the way.

When I was racing bikes, we had a rule, which was that it was incumbent on the person making the pass to make the pass safely. If you extend that to the road, and you deliberately deny an impatient driver the opportunity to make the pass safely, then he/she will make it UNsafely, and that may bet you or someone else hurt.

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