McNutt does appear to be a vey nice guy and reasonable and well-informed in that video. I ended up accepting that video at face value. I was merely stating my initial response based on my mistrust of Grisham, and ONLY because his name appears at the front end of the video once it got past the introduction. It’s like generally not trusting gas station sushi, but maybe THIS gas station has very good sushi, despite being labeled "Gas Station Sushi" right on the box. I may enjoy this particular sushi experience, but I’m still generally mistrustful of anything labeled as gas station sushi. If this video had not had Grisham's name at the front end, I wouldn’t have responded the way I did.
Mind you, I am FOR constitutional carry, absolutely and without equivocation. What I am NOT for is the way that some people deliver the message. McNutt seems to be doing a good job, and I hope he continues along the lines of what he’s doing. OTHER people, not so much; and CJ Grisham is among them. Not everybody has the personality for successful grassroots activism. Militant behavior can taint a message that is not in and of itself a militant message. Constitutional carry is about liberty, and liberty isn’t militant because it is the default order of things. It takes intentional human beings to screw it up and place limitations upon it. The best way to communicate the message of Liberty is with sweet reason and a friendly demeanor. Unless your intention is to deliberately provoke a violent response, strident militant exhibitionism - which has been CJ's historical record - alienates more people than it convinces; because it changes the listener's focus from the message to the activist....particularly when that activist is behaving aggressively while making an ostentatious display of being armed. It is well within human nature for the as-yet neutral observer to become alarmed at what he is seeing, and to conflate the message of liberty with erratic and possibly dangerous behavior. THAT is why there’s no room for hotheads in constitutional carry activism.
But other than having a poor regard for people who I believe do more harm than good in gun rights activism, I am all for constitutional carry.