Go back and read my first reply to your question. It will be an expensive burden on law abiding gun owners that will do nothing to stop criminals.I think merely answering no is not enough. What's the rationale behind your "no"?
What is your rationale behind this statement?What's the main source for bad guys to get ammo? Stores, right?
Are you suggesting that people who rob other people obtain the tools of their trade by some other means?
People who are willing to break the law will never be stopped by another law. Please see the dictionary definition of a criminal (noun).If your answer is no, then what do you propose to cut off the source of ammo for bad guys?
You might as well ask how to stop the rain - you can't. So instead you build shelter or carry an umbrella.
Stupid - If you think that one more law is going to stop a single criminal then you live in a fantasy-land.
Here in the real world we have recognized that criminals still get guns in spite of hundreds of thousands of laws trying to prevent that.
In reality, the 4473 form did not stop a single convicted felon from obtaining firearms.
The instant check hasn't stopped or delayed any criminal intent on using weapons.
These are just "feel-good" laws passed by politicians to make the people feel like they are doing something.
They don't work - and that's the reason to stop making more of them.