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Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13529

Re: US-75 stop for "speeding"

I had the pleasure to rent a nice Mercedes for a week's tour of Germany several years ago. Once you've driven the Autobahn at speed for several hours you really come to appreciate what courteous driving is. Over the course of a week and thousands of kilometers of 160-200 km/hr driving I never witnessed "ego/uncourteous/unsafe" driving. No passing on right, slower traffic keep right, flash to pass if you are in the fast lane and approaching a slower car - but I didn't have to do that as they'd always move over. It's really more of a courtesy thing (flash to pass), to let the car in front know that you are coming up FAST. I expected to see all kinds of exotica flying down the 'bahn - but typically the faster cars were little Euro wagons while the Porsche convertibles and the like were in the middle lanes just cruising. It's a completely different driving culture over there. I mistakenly made an illegal right turn on a red light in Munich, the cars behind me were honking at me after I did it, lesson learned.

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