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Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:37 am
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: AR Was Stolen From Truck
Replies: 23
Views: 5162

Re: AR Was Stolen From Truck

As an aside, WRT stealing a vehicle, when I had an '89 5.0 Mustang you could easily reach under the seat and pull the fuel pump relay. The only way that it was moving if it was towed. I've known some folks to install a hidden kill switch under the dash to do the same thing. However a scumbag with a repo wrecker can still snag it - years ago I had a nice car hauler with a fancy hitch lock but that didn't stop said scumbag from chaining up to it and stealing it. The cops caught him a few miles down the road though. I got it back, although he tried to get it out of the impound lot after he bonded out (I didn't even know it was gone, it was in the storage area of my apartment complex, many moons ago, cops stopped him due to no lights on trailer, his story didn't add up, now I have things in my garage/enclosure, still no guarantees though. Trailer, race car and contents/spares are insured for agreed value).
Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:26 am
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: AR Was Stolen From Truck
Replies: 23
Views: 5162

Re: AR Was Stolen From Truck

I used to daily drive a Jeep Wrangler - the motto of my fellow Jeepers was this: it's the easiest vehicle to get into, take anything of value with you. I still adhere to that to this day as much as possible.

Sorry for your loss by scumbags, best wishes for full recovery. :tiphat:

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