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by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:20 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Almost pulled my gun today
Replies: 68
Views: 9714

Re: How Interesting, and amusing

Briankey wrote:That you can't point out what was racial, what words?, nobody said the "N" word. I can always come back as some other name.
Its funny how people will apologize to me like you did not long ago for being correct about the problem in Houston, then condemn me for voicing my opinion and wanting to stomp on my rights, simply because some people don't like what I said, even though off the forum most know I'm right.
Has Black, Ghetto, White, urban terrorist now become racial words?.
I apologized because you were correct about illegal alien crime in Houston. You apparently took that apology to mean you can violate the forum rules.

Your reference to "them" was a global condemnation of all blacks, not criminals that happen to be black.

As for coming back as a new member, we don't prohibit that; in fact, we hope people will come back under a new name and abide by the forum rules. We can tell because of the IP addresses on their posts. Our goal is to maintain the decorum we enjoy at TexasCHLforum, not permanently keep people out. However, since you are making a point of violating the forum rules and you're flaunting your ability to register again under a new name, presumably to continue violating forum rules, we'll make an exception with you.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:27 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Almost pulled my gun today
Replies: 68
Views: 9714

Re: Almost pulled my gun today

Briankey wrote:The Situation this Gentlemen found himself in speaks for itself. THEM, meaning Black Americans as the original post mentioned, Ghetto, as the original Post mentioned is just a fact of life. Black Urban Terrorist gangs Terrorize ghetto Neighborhoods, another fact of life.
For anyone to be upset over someones opinion on a forum board, says they don't have much to be upset over in life, High Gas Prices, crime, etc... So, people can be upset over anything they wish, doesn't bother me.

Why do people have CHL's anyway?.who are you Protecting yourself from?, I have one, don't mind telling you who I'm protecting myself from, Criminals, Blacks, Mexicans, whites. If you have a CHL, and your protecting yourself and family from those people I mentioned above, then you have a problem with the same "THEMS" as I mentioned above. And your questioning me.

You'll be alright.
Forum Rules wrote:3. No racial or ethnic slurs. Descriptions of persons in actual events are fine, so long as it doesn’t constitute stereotyping.
This isn't the first time you've done this, but it will be your last. This is your last warning. I'm highly offended that you would include our black and Hispanic TexasCHLforum members in your global condemnation. And no, I'm not being politically correct, I'm just not going to allow TexasCHLforum to be a bully pulpit for this garbage. The original poster followed the above-quoted rule by simply describing the events.


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