greggtex wrote:. . . Hopefully none of the new bills will pass! . . . The only reason it will pass if it does, is money. State is suffering right now and might shut it donw, but that only helps the criminals in my opinion.
I'm not sure if you're talking about money to the State of Texas or Utah, but either way you are mistaken. If the Utah bill passes, and I believe it will, then Utah will loose money. The number of Texas residents with a Utah CFP has been reported by Utah to be 6,000, but that does not tell us how many of those 6,000 Texans also have a Texas CHL. Even if every one of the 6,000 held only a Utah CFP, then the total loss of revenue to Texas is somewhere between $210,000 and $420,000 over 5 years ($42,000 to 84,000 annually) depending on how many of those 6,000 are entitled to the 50% discount. Your money theory doesn't seem plausible.
If Texas passes Lon Burnam's HB356, it won't have anything to do with money. It will be the direct result of irresponsible advertising by Utah Instructors. Make no mistake, those instructors didn't merely advertise a cheaper license, they strongly and aggressively advertised the facts that Utah 1) doesn't require a written test; 2) doesn't require shooting; 3) will give a CFP to persons with deferred adjudications for any felony, past due child support, or past due Texas taxes. As I've said before, the Utah "problem" wasn't the license, it was the in-your-face advertising by irresponsible instructors that amounted to nothing more than thumbing their collective noses at the Texas Legislature.
greggtex wrote:If you're for more govt. control, then I can see you being against the Utah CHL, but if you stand for people protecting themselves, well, that's me.
It's difficult for me to respond nicely to this ridiculous accusation. To globally categorize anyone who has concerns about the Utah CFP in terms of irresponsible advertising and a resulting backlash that harms reciprocity as being "for more govt. control" is to adopt the tactics of Sarah Brady. It smacks of "if you disagree with me, you have evil motives." You have only made four posts here on TexasCHLforum and every single one has been in defense of the Utah CFP.