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by Charles L. Cotton
Sun May 29, 2011 6:13 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

canvasbck wrote:
rp_photo wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:All employees who lawfully possess firearms and/or ammo, unless they work at a chemical manufacturing plant or a refinery. In those two locations, you must have a CHL to come within the protection of SB321.

I'm assuming that only includes lots and areas outside of the main gates.

I normally work in an office environment, but often visit area refineries and plants. In some I have have drive-in privledge, but at others I must park in visitor lots outside security.

I do have a CHL and am curious how this would all apply to me.

I wonder if plants can use MARSEC and terror threat levels to negate the new law?
IMHO, if your not an employee of the facility owner, you are not protected by SB 321, it doesn't cover contractors or visitors, only direct employees.
Correct. We considered trying to add that in conference committee, but the overall opinion was that was so far "out of bounds" it might kill the bill. (Come on 2013.)

by Charles L. Cotton
Sun May 29, 2011 5:42 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

OldSchool wrote:PLEASE tell me it's NOT one of the "Rednecks" on TGT!! :shock:
It is MR REDNECK who used to post on TexasGunTalk until he was banned there as well.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sun May 29, 2011 12:33 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

sherlock7 wrote:Charles, Thanks. One more question if I may. My wife, who does NOT have a CHL, drives to work with a handgun locked in her car. Parks in the employee parking lot in downtown Dallas. Is she legal under this new law? Just trying to be clear on this bill.
Please keep up the great work you are doing!
She is not violating TPC §46.02, but if her employer has a "no guns" policy, then the new parking lot bill won't protect her until Sept. 1st.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sun May 29, 2011 12:00 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

sherlock7 wrote:Once this bill is signed by Gov. Perry, Does it mean " Only those who have a CHL can carry in our employers parking lot " or am I to understand it also allows ALL employees to carry a weapon in their locked car?
All employees who lawfully possess firearms and/or ammo, unless they work at a chemical manufacturing plant or a refinery. In those two locations, you must have a CHL to come within the protection of SB321.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sat May 28, 2011 7:48 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

Texaspublican wrote:I called every committee member today and also wrote them a letter. This bill infringes on Private Property Ownership. As a business owner, I find this kind of legislation offensive. I have no issues with guns inside of vehicles while on my property, but I have a serious issue with people who write such stupidity as this. Any bill that forces a private property owner to do something against their wishes is a Socialist Bill...
This bill is as good as dead! Texas business will not allow this to happen. The assumption that Legislative Committee will kill this bill makes me laugh. This bill has been thrown in the trash three times and it keeps comming back.
Get a clue! Texans do not want law's that infirnge on private property ownership! :roll:
Mr. McCrary, how do you like your crow served -- rare or well done? :rolll "rlol" :biggrinjester: :woohoo

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu May 26, 2011 1:53 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

RandyM wrote:so section 52.061, B, does this mean a chemical plant or refiner can prohibit CHLs from having a handgun in their parked car, even if it outside the secured area of the facility?
No. It means 1) only CHL's can have firearms in the parking lots of those specific employers; and 2) CHL's with firearms can can be prohibited from parking in the secured area contains the plant, isn't open to the public, and has controlled access. They cannot be barred from parking in others parking areas.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu May 26, 2011 12:53 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

RandyM wrote:Where can I view the latest text of this bill, especially the chemical/refinery wording and restrictions?
It's attached.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu May 26, 2011 12:02 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

Hookemhorns1997 wrote:In reading the comparison, am I understanding that it will only apply to CHL's?
The CHL-only restriction applies only to certain areas owned by chemical manufacturers and refineries.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri May 20, 2011 10:37 am
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

Employer parking lots will be fine. All conferees are very good on this issue and there is great support in the House and Senate.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu May 19, 2011 10:14 am
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

causeican wrote:Is there anything we need/can do to help this along or is it simply up to the conference committees at this point? :waiting:
There's nothing to do at this point. When the bill comes out of the conference committee, then it will be time to call Senators and Representatives and ask them to support SB321.

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon May 02, 2011 5:04 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

TxA wrote:Any update from today's session???
HB681 is still a long way from coming to the floor. SB655 (Railroad Commission sunset bill) is taking a huge amount of time.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:44 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

kjolly wrote:I'm all for the Parking Lot bill; however if passed will continue my policy "concealed is concealed". My company has provisions that they are entitled to search your car at any time and refusal is termination. While I suspect this is illegal remember if they feel they have problems with you they can always terminate you "at will" for any reason or no reason. standing on your legal right to keep a gun in your car does not work when you can be terminated for "at will". The bill is not a lot of protection.
I do not carry at work or in the car as I need my job to buy more guns. :???:
While Texas is an employment-at-will State, there are limits to an employer's ability to legally terminate or discipline an employee. An employer cannot violate federal or state law that protects certain classes of person. If the employer parking lot bill passes in its current form, then it will provide a lot of protection to employees.

Some will argue that an employer will fire you anyway an claim another reason. This is called terminating under pretext and it can happen now when race, age, nationality, or other factors are illegally used in the termination decision. It will get the employer sued and they will lose, unless they are very very good at covering their tracts. Most aren't.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:59 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

jedwil wrote:Has this bill died? I thought it was huge for us working folks. Has it been sacrificed for Campus Carry?

Not at all.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:24 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

Re: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots

Keith B wrote:Charles, do you know who is there to testify in favor of the bill? I know we have 7 of the 9 committee members that are co-authors, and the two that aren't are not signed on to any bills, so have a majority, but hope we have a few in there to testify in favor of it.
Sorry Keith, I just saw this post.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:11 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Action Needed: Employer Parking Lots
Replies: 215
Views: 80705

UPDATE: Employer Parking Lots

The hearing on HB681 was held yesterday in the Business & Industry Committee. The Bill was left pending which is the Chairman's normal procedure for all bills.

We need everyone to get back on the phones and faxes and politely request that HB681 be voted favorably from the B&I committee during the next meeting/hearing without any amendments. I cannot overstress the importance of keeping up the pressure, especially on the Chairman who gets to decide if and when the bill will be brought up for a vote.

If HB681 languishes in committee before being voted out, then it will get behind the budget and redistricting and it will not pass. Please, please answer this call to action!


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