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by Charles L. Cotton
Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:19 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

chop249 wrote:Can someone explain the current status of SB 11? ... &Bill=SB11" onclick=";return false; The "Not again placed on intent calendar" is confusing me.
That was probably a mistake because it's not eligible for debate and vote until 3/13/15.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Feb 17, 2015 1:22 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

v7a wrote:Gov. Abbott today during the State of the State speech:

[ Image ]

Does the fact that he keeps repeating this promise indicate that he's confident an Open Carry bill will end up on his desk? It seems that politically the safe thing to do would be to not keep mentioning it (in case such a bill never makes it to his desk).
He's sending a message to the Legislature, but I wouldn't take his comments to mean he thinks it's a done deal.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:40 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

joe817 wrote:It would be really interesting to watch the committee meeting when they present SB17. I hope it's broadcast.
Unless there is a system failure, it will be broadcast. I suggest unloading your handgun before watching; monitors are easy to replace, but you'll miss the rest of the hearing.

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:48 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

gsansing wrote:
v7a wrote:Looks like the hearing notice was just updated and SB346 was replaced with newly filed SB17 (with identical bill text)?
SB 17 Estes
Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.

Bills added after last posting:
SB 17

Bills deleted after last posting:
SB 346
I noticed this myself, what does this mean? I understand the hearing aspect, but why was it assigned a new bill number?
SB346 was given one of the reserved low bill numbers; i.e. SB17.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:08 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

mr1337 wrote:Little change of subject.

I was reading through HB308 and found something a little surprising. It reverts to the older "intentionally fails to conceal" that was fixed last session. I know the guys at the capitol are smart cookies. But Charles, do you think they'll catch and amend that before to the current TPC verbiage it goes out?
HB308 was filed using an old draft from last session. It will be corrected with a committee substitute.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:18 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

rogersinsel wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote: being able to let everyone see you are armed
This is certainly not why I would like to see OC passed. Not anywhere on my list of reasons.
Although I would agree that this is a motivation for some.
I was responding to rogersinsel's absurd statement that the lack of open-carry is an embarrassment to Texas, not suggesting that all open-carry supporters simply want to show their guns.

Your choice to focus only on Patrick has seriously limited your position in this discussion.
You need to go back to your 3rd preceding post before you make yet another groundless statement. I was discussing something with another Member, XinTX, and responded to his statement about Dan Patrick. You decided to stick your nose into the discussion and started ranting about how Patrick "needs to do his job." XinTx and I were talking about Patrick, you joined the discussion, now you claim that I'm trying to limit the focus to Patrick. :smilelol5:
rogersinsel wrote:A lot like how you're trying to walk back your comment that open carry advocates just simply want to show off their guns. It was uninformed the first time and frankly your attempt to revise your intent furthers my point.
I am not backing off my statement about why some open-carry supporters want open-carry. The vast majority of open-carry supporters support the issue in a calm and statesmanlike manner, but a minority do not. Those who believe that the only bill that matters in 2015 is an open-carry bill to the exclusion of all others tend to fall in the latter category. So too with people who feel compelled to grossly exaggerate their positions as in claiming that the lack of open-carry is an "embarrassment" to Texas. Overstating the benefit of legislation or the ramifications for not passing it marginalize the person making those groundless statements as well as the issue they claim to support.

rogersinsel wrote:This thread is Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion, yet your focus is on one man. Mine is on the entire process.
Again, you jumped into a narrow discussion about Dan Patrick and try to claim that all I want to do is focus "on one man." Read my posts and articles and you'll find taht nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, I'm trying to get open-carry zealots to realize that there are far more issues facing gun owners this session than merely open-carry, many of which have much greater impact on Texas gun owners.

rogersinsel wrote:You are right in that Patrick cannot force a bill out of committee but that's not the point.
At least you finally answered the question you have been trying so desperately to dodge; Dan Patrick cannot bring a bill to the Senate floor unless it clears committee.

rogersinsel wrote:You ask, why Roger do you feel that way? How do you know?
No Roger, I really didn't ask.
rogersinsel wrote:Perhaps you should call him up and remind him that he cannot tell the senate to now focus and vote on an Open Carry bill because after all as you have already said " he can't".
I think I'm beginning to see the problem. You are simply incapable of discussing an issue in a respectful manner without being condescending. Make your next insult the best you can do, because it will be your last.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:17 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

RoyGBiv wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote: being able to let everyone see you are armed
This is certainly not why I would like to see OC passed. Not anywhere on my list of reasons.
Although I would agree that this is a motivation for some.
I was responding to rogersinsel's absurd statement that the lack of open-carry is an embarrassment to Texas, not suggesting that all open-carry supporters simply want to show their guns.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:27 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

rogersinsel wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:I am sure that you aren't actually asking a question, but I'll answer anyway. Put rather simply, Patrick needs to do his job. If OC is already DOA, then he and the entire Texas GOP that let it happen need to find work elsewhere. It is an embarrassment that Texas lacks OC of any type for any reason. Furthermore, it is astounding at the apparent lack of resolution that the Texas GOP has regarding 2a rights. It is part of our platform and I voted for them because of it. There are a lot of passionate people out there supporting this cause. It is unfortunate that Texas' elected leaders don't share that same passion. Mark this day Chas, if the Texas GOP doesn't start embracing their party values now, you, the GOP and all conservative Texans will find ourselves marginalized and forgotten once this state goes blue. You see, right or wrong, democrats stand by their values even if it means getting in your face over it. It rallies their base. Ex. You didn't see the democrats tuck tail and run when a bunch of women descended on Austin and shut down government to protest their right to kill babies. So the moral of this story is the Texas GOP had better wake up now and get to work passing legislation that matters. And I'll give you one more news flash...this matters!
You said you were going to answer the question, but you didn't. How is Patrick supposed to bring a bill to the floor of the Senate if it does not clear a committee? Hint: He cannot!

Not having open-carry is hardly an embarrassment. What is embarrassing is that a handgun of people act like being able to let everyone see you are armed is the most important issue facing Texas gun owners and the Texas Legislature. Texas has very liberal gun laws and that's because the NRA and TSRA have used their expertise to improve them over many years. There are no shortcuts.

rogersinsel wrote:I did answer, you just don't want to recognize that I did. Your decision to not recognize fact is puzzling so I'll repeat.
I guess you think you're cute with this comment. No, you didn't answer and your latest attempt shows your lack of knowledge of how the Texas Senate works.
rogersinsel wrote:By doing his job. He is suppose to be the second and some would say first most powerful man in Texas. Act like it! He did on the 2/3rds rule, what happened with open carry. He has the authority and discretion in following Senate procedural rules. He can set up standing or special committees and appoint committee chairpersons and individual members.
Let's try again. Are you saying Dan Patrick can bring a bill to the floor of the Senate without a committee voting it out favorably? That's a yes or no question.
rogersinsel wrote:I can also give you five reasons why it is fact that Texas not having open carry is an embarrassment: California, Texas, Florida, New York and Illinois. Further more you never asked me why I prefer OC. Broad brush statements like "What is embarrassing is that a handgun of people act like being able to let everyone see you are armed is the most important issue facing Texas gun owners and the Texas Legislature" only serve to hurt our cause and show ignorance of the subject. Honestly, I feel if you listened more and criticized less those that have a slightly different view than you, you might just see our cause advance rather than tread water. BTW, if waiting for over one hundred years for something is taking a shortcut, I'd hate to see the long way in your book.
Your true colors are showing once again. Trying to compare Texas gun laws to California, Florida, New York and Illinois based solely on the open-carry issue speaks volumes.

I was responding to your absurd statement that the lack of open-carry was an embarrassment to Texas, so I don't care why you support open-carry. If you state your position without the hyperbole then people are far more willing to listen even when they don't agree. Unfortunately, you just can't discuss the issue rationally, as evidenced by more hyperbole such as "if waiting for over one hundred years for something is taking a shortcut, . . ." Show me where I said that.

I invite you to post with a bit more civility and fewer condescending comments. I'd be happy to exchange barbs with you, but neither of us are going to violate Forum rules or the spirit of those rules.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:47 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

rogersinsel wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
XinTX wrote:I'm not going to point too much of a finger at Watkins and his band of merry cohorts. And it's not like anyone had no reason to think Patrick wouldn't support 2A legislation and OC.

[ Image ]
How is Dan Patrick supposed to bring an open-carry bill to the Senate floor for a vote if the bill never gets voted out of committee favorably?

I am sure that you aren't actually asking a question, but I'll answer anyway. Put rather simply, Patrick needs to do his job. If OC is already DOA, then he and the entire Texas GOP that let it happen need to find work elsewhere. It is an embarrassment that Texas lacks OC of any type for any reason. Furthermore, it is astounding at the apparent lack of resolution that the Texas GOP has regarding 2a rights. It is part of our platform and I voted for them because of it. There are a lot of passionate people out there supporting this cause. It is unfortunate that Texas' elected leaders don't share that same passion. Mark this day Chas, if the Texas GOP doesn't start embracing their party values now, you, the GOP and all conservative Texans will find ourselves marginalized and forgotten once this state goes blue. You see, right or wrong, democrats stand by their values even if it means getting in your face over it. It rallies their base. Ex. You didn't see the democrats tuck tail and run when a bunch of women descended on Austin and shut down government to protest their right to kill babies. So the moral of this story is the Texas GOP had better wake up now and get to work passing legislation that matters. And I'll give you one more news flash...this matters!
You said you were going to answer the question, but you didn't. How is Patrick supposed to bring a bill to the floor of the Senate if it does not clear a committee? Hint: He cannot!

Not having open-carry is hardly an embarrassment. What is embarrassing is that a handgun of people act like being able to let everyone see you are armed is the most important issue facing Texas gun owners and the Texas Legislature. Texas has very liberal gun laws and that's because the NRA and TSRA have used their expertise to improve them over many years. There are no shortcuts.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:32 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

XinTX wrote:I'm not going to point too much of a finger at Watkins and his band of merry cohorts. And it's not like anyone had no reason to think Patrick wouldn't support 2A legislation and OC.

[ Image ]
How is Dan Patrick supposed to bring an open-carry bill to the Senate floor for a vote if the bill never gets voted out of committee favorably?

by Charles L. Cotton
Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:56 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion

I've created this thread as a sticky to allow for discussions about specific bills, or the session in general. I've moved all posts from the 2015 Bill Status Report to this thread so that it will be easier and faster for people to find and review the Bill Status Report. I strongly recommend that people go to the color coded and linked Bill Status Report on" onclick=";return false;, as it is much easier to use if you want to review the actual bill.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sun Nov 16, 2014 12:10 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: 2015 Bill Status Report

srothstein wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
gsansing wrote:Charles-

Any word on a bill that would drop the "Gun Free" zones for CHL holders?

We can't change the federal "Gun Free School Zone" law, but CHL's are exempt from it anyway. The Texas "Weapon Free School Zone" law is not a stand alone crime. It just increases the penalty for commission of a crime within the zone. Since CHL's can carry handguns, then it has no impact on us unless we commit another crime while armed.


I believe that Gari meant bills that would remove 46.035.
I think you're right. Yes, a bill to remove off-limits areas will be filed in the House and Senate.

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:52 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: General 2015 Legislative Session Discussion
Replies: 146
Views: 64855

Re: 2015 Bill Status Report

gsansing wrote:Charles-

Any word on a bill that would drop the "Gun Free" zones for CHL holders?

We can't change the federal "Gun Free School Zone" law, but CHL's are exempt from it anyway. The Texas "Weapon Free School Zone" law is not a stand alone crime. It just increases the penalty for commission of a crime within the zone. Since CHL's can carry handguns, then it has no impact on us unless we commit another crime while armed.


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