In 21 years of CHL, I've never heard of a CHL/LTC being arrested because they forgot their wallet. Have you? If not, then why are you arguing about angels on heads of pins? BTW, you have now changed/dodged the issue twice because you have no valid response, so I'm through playing games.ninjabread wrote:If a LEO can quickly confirm someone has a license to drive with a computer check then confirming someone has a license to carry should be just as easy. I know driving without a license in ones possession is "punishable by a fine not to exceed $200" and I think the penalty for carrying a concealed handgun without the license in ones possession should have a similar punishment, not a threat of jail time. Being properly licensed but forgetting your ID at home should not lead to a class A misdemeanor, and definitely should not escalate to a felony of the third degree in a grocery store.Charles L. Cotton wrote:LEOs often do not issue a citation when drivers don't have their driver's license on their person. They do so because they are able to quickly confirm they have a license with a computer check. A provisional vote is not confirmed as an actual vote until and unless the person is ultimately determined to be properly registered as a voter.