This is good advice. In 1996, when then Harris County DA Johnny Holmes reversed his long-standing opposition to CHL, he testified during an interim study on implementation of SB 60. He testified that the Penal Code should be changed such that the failure to post a 51% sign would be a defense to prosecution for carrying in a 51% establishment. Then as now, the failure to have a sign is not a recognized defense. There would be an argument that you didn't have the required mental state (mens rea), because you didn't know it was a 51% location, but I wouldn't want to bet my future on that argument!Suckhow wrote:Use extreme caution here...
I happen to own some restaurant/bars in Houston many of you have probably heard of.
Alamo Draft house derives a substantion percentage of their revenue from the on premise sale of alcoholic beverages. Sometimes their number get very close to or even exceed 50%.
One of their units ranks in the top 50 in total mixed beverage reciepts in the Houston Metro area at times,