The thing that I find the most interesting is how the laws were made, and how they have changed since. Like many have said, the CHL laws were a whole ton of compromises between those who believe that law abiding folks deserve the right to carry a gun and protect themselves, and those who believe that joe six pack would shot a guy for cutting him off if he had a gun on him. thus, the strange laws. Later some have been changed, such as now places like hospitals, churches, and amusement parks are not automatically off limits. I think that the next logical steps are (in light of the motorist protection act) to no longer have to notify LE while carrying. I seriously think that college carry is the next fight, and as a Jr. at TCU I support it.
Things being as they are, those who were worried about "blood in the streets" have been proven to be idiots, so everything really is back on the table, we got churches and hospitals, next will be schools, then we can move on to bars and race tracks, and eventually it will get to where only courtrooms, commercial airplanes, and prisons are forbidden. and you know what, there is nothing wrong with that. my favorite part is how it happened, they simply put a little provision at the end that says "hey, section 4,5,6, and C (or whatever) no longer apply" and boom, i can carry my 10mm to church! we'll get there, but it will be a fight every time, we will need to contact our state reps, and support the tsra because the NRA isn't too concerned about little state stuff like this.