Agreed. It may also be a provision of the liability insurance coverage for the show promoter to not have any loaded guns in the venue. When posting legal 30.06/07 signs was not an option, I am use that they were told to post something with some teeth, and chances are the "revocable entry agreement" language was what their lawyer came up with.FJRider wrote:This seems like an open attempt to circumvent a law about public buildings. I believe that one of the folks posting here is a lawyer. I wonder if he would mind writing a letter and maybe sending intent for a class action against the show and the city of Fort Worth to get their attention.AJSully421 wrote:The Fort Worth gun show used to have the same thing. It is at a city-owned venue. They now post a sign that says your entry fee is a revocable agreement based on you not having any loaded weapons. I conceal.rotor wrote:Went to the Wichita Falls Gun and Knife show today and it was posted 30.06 and 30.07 inside the building but just before you enter the gun show. This is at the Multi Purpose Event Center, City owned unless I hear otherwise. Talked to the sheriff deputies at the door and asked how could it be posted since it was city owned property. "It's a private event" they said. Realized it was no use discussing with them as they were not knowledgeable about the law. It's a Saturday and the event is 2 days. Not a lot that can be done here. Can not reach the person who puts on the shows,, but have an email to the city manager who is very good. See what happens but sure ruined my day. Hope the vendors note that they are going to lose business and I usually am there with $1,000 if I see anything worth getting. Went to the site Charles mentions at the beginning of this post and downloaded the forms to start a complaint. My first issue is the legality of the signs on City owned property. There is a moral issue though of someone making money off of a gun show and banning licensed people from carrying.
As a side note, if 30.06 cannot be used in a city-owned venue, and 30.05 cannot be used if the reason that you are kicking someone out is the fact that they have a LTC and a concealed handgun... how will anyone, including the police, enforce the "revocation of your entry" if you are found to have a concealed handgun at the FW Gun Show? They cannot force you to leave, and the police cannot touch you, you cannot be CT'd from future shows under 30.05... Sounds like fun!