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by AJSully421
Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:32 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Another Meme Thread
Replies: 3620
Views: 2288440

Re: Another Meme Thread

TexasTornado wrote:
twomillenium wrote:
TexasTornado wrote:Image

"Nothing says over 40 like 2 spaces after a period."
Just checked. It is still proper to space twice after a period. (<--- used two spaces after period but was auto miscorrected by program)
Just checked. It is still not proper to space only once after period. ;-)

I noticed that on some forums the second space is auto taken out, I guess this is to save on character spaces.

Remember, that those who are over 50 are starting to show some survival skills that those under 40 might still need to acquire.
Where did you find that it is proper? The MLA, Chicago Manual of Syle, and APA all say one. The only allowance for two is by the APA on manuscript drafts, but not in published works. The double space was started to correct for limitations of monotypeset typewriters. Soooo unless you're typing on a pre-electronic typewriter......

For the love of all that is good and holy in this world..... stop with the double spaces. :cryin
wood u prefur dat we all right like towtl retards like the yutes of 2day?

I'm 33 BTW, and have a degree in communications. two is correct.

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