They are a billion times more worried about someone getting hurt or killed in there than they are about turning a profit. Many of us were in Will Rogers when one went off about 2009 or so. Buried in a cooler or something and didn't cause any injuries. For every one like us who are capable of being safe, there are a few who shouldn't be allowed to own a fork, let alone a firearm. So, they have to make rules subject to the lowest common denominator. I get it, but it should be more something like "If it is a loaded handgun, keep it holstered. If it is a long gun, or a pistol and you are here to sell it, show it or find a holster for it, unload it here. No handling of loaded firearms is allowed beyond this point."Goldspurs wrote:Do these gun show organizers fail to understand who their clientele is? Never ceases to amaze me.
Also, it may be an legitimate insurance thing too. Either way, CHLs should be exempt for their carry pistols, so long as they stay holstered.