Charles L. Cotton wrote:I want to note that although I personally oppose open-carry because of the backlash I believe we would face, I still have a link to in the links thread here on I have read that board and I must say that open-carry supporters are incredibly vicious in their attacks on opponents of open-carry. I went there to invite some of the members to come to and discuss their views and plans. But when I saw the way they described pro-gun people who disagreed with their position, I decided not to post. As others have noted in another thread, the last thing pro-gun people need now is a divisive fight over open-carry, or any other firearms issue.
Charles, I am remaining neutral on the issue. However, as it appears to me, you are in a particular position that would allow you to have your input with the 'organizers' of prior to any bill, to ensure that the current laws are not put in harms way.