Justice Souter denied the application requesting an injuction to postpone the Nov 4 election until the issue of Obama's citizenship was resolved. His denial of the injunction simply allowed the election to be held.RugerP345 wrote:Unless I'm reading whats posted on SCOTUS's website, it looks like both applications were denied. I see where it reads that a response is due by Dec. 1st, but as it stands, Justice Souter denied both applications!
Nobody knows what the Court will do after Dec 1 if Obama doesn't produce his original birth certificate. However, if the Court decides he's not a US citizen between Dec 1 and Dec 13, when the Electoral College actually meets and casts its' votes, then I guess McCain would be President. I don't see that happening, though. That would likely start such civil unrest that it would result in another civil war or revolution. And that's something NONE of us want.