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by Kythas
Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:16 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Residency
Replies: 10
Views: 1849

Re: Residency

Her legal residence is where she and her husband intend to reside after the end of his military service. Typically, the legal residence is the same as home of record, which is where they lived immediately prior to entering military service. The two are not the same, though.

Home of record cannot be changed unless there is a break in military service of at least 24 hours.

Legal residence can be changed by filling out DD Form 2058.

The two are the same upon entering military service and remain the same unless this form is filled out. People do this when they're stationed in a state and decide they like it so much there they want to live there after their service is complete.

Long story short, her legal residence is still Texas and will remain so unless her husband fills out DD Form 2058.

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