puma guy wrote:Vol Texan wrote:bigred90gt wrote:I didn't read 60 pages to see if
It was mentioned, but the Houston gun show (at the George R Brown convention center) and the Pasadena Gun Show (Pasadena convention center) have both been posted every time I've gone. Both buildings are owned by the city, and should not be posted. Last time I went to the houston show, they actually had an officer at the door announcing the sign telling everyone that even if you are licensed you can't carry in there and will be arrested if caught. It has been a few years since I went to one, so not sure if they're still posted.
Not anymore at the GRB:
I going to try to attend the Pasadena Gun Show Saturday. I'll post what I see there if I make it.
I wrote a letter to Mayor Johnny Isbel of Pasadena requesting that he disallow the posting of 30.06 signs at the Pasadena Convention Center during gun shows. There was no 30.06 sign there today.
There were two signs, one containing legal mumbo-jumbo about your ticket to enter was a license granted on the condition that you do not carry a loaded weapon inside. The other sign stated flatly that loaded weapons were prohibited. There was a uniformed police officer there enforcing the ban.
I took photos of the signs. The attorney general will have copies tomorrow, along with my official complaint.