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by maverick2076
Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:03 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: My view on open carry
Replies: 44
Views: 7814

Re: My view on open carry

chuckybrown wrote:
Countryside wrote:I know people who are actually getting ready for open carry by getting a nice "show" handgun and holster. Their words...not mine. They're looking forward to actually showing off their gun and whom I'm not sure. :???:
Hey you look down on these folks? I'm asking nicely, not accusingly.

I ask because I read so many here that speak to OC'rs as if they extremists, alarmists, wacko's, etc.

Our rights were "infringed" long ago, and I simply cannot wrap my head around the thought of any 2nd amendment supporter being upset that we've gotten a little sliver of our rights restored.

Happy new year to you, and to everyone here.
I am ordering a nicer belt and holster for when I open carry, and it will be for my 1911, not my Glock. There's a couple good reasons for that besides "showing off."

A. I'll be dressing nicer when I OC, since I will at a minimum have a tucked in shirt. IMO, a leather belt and holster look nicer and blend with nicer clothes better than a Wilderness Tactical belt and a Kydex holster.

B. A nicer holster/belt combo present a more professional, less alarming experience, especially to LEOs and others. Sure, the rabid anti gunner might not notice it, but the cop who responds to a call, or a casual observer who knows anything about guns is going to realize that the guy carrying in a matching Tucker gun leather holster/belt/mag pouch combo that cost several
Hundred dollars is probably doing so legally.

C. I bought my first 1911, it's really nice, and it deserves to be carried in an equally nice holster. :)


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