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by longhorn_92
Mon May 11, 2009 10:19 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Rude NRA Phone Solicitation
Replies: 49
Views: 6684

Re: Rude NRA Phone Solicitation

kthxtn wrote:On Friday after I arrived home I receive a phone call from NRA solicting contributions to help fight proposed legislation in Washington. I had just picked up my daughter at the airport who was home from college and really did not feel like listening to some phone solisitation. I repeatedly told this individual I did not have time and that I would go to the NRA website at a later time and make a contribution. This individual continued to banter me with requests for may credit card number. I finally told the solicitor that she was beginning to annoy me with her rudeness and hung up the phone. Long story short, the rude tactics used by this solicitor is counter productive. My dislike for liberals in Washington shifted to this solicitor. This is no way to support a worthy cause as it will turn away support such as myself as I will not make any contributions to individuals or organizations that do not represent my request to be left along for a short time. I find it quite ironic that the NRA is fighting for the individuals rights and less intrusion from the federal government yet their behavior is not in accordance with their message.

Has anyone experienced this sort of solicitation from the NRA?

Me thinks it was a fraud... :nono:

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