lanternlad wrote:"Yours must be a pretty cool car that you're willing to go to prison after paying $$,$$$ (+/-) in legal fees to protect its finish."
You worry too much. I have been poor. I have been homeless. I have lost everything, and come back from it. I do not fear the future nor what it may bring, as I cannot control it. As long as the safety of my family is assured, I do not care what I lose in gaining that end. If someone is threatening my family, I will stop it. My family is close enough to live together happily in a tent if that is what the future brings, as long as we are together. And regarding the attacker not holding a weapon, a fist IS a deadly weapon. Any UFC fighter or boxer will agree.

Congratulations on your financial recovery.
Y'all wont be together if you're in the slammer AND the rest of your family may not be able to afford a tent after the lawyers get through with you. Do you really want to throw away your sterling recovery from impecunious homelessness just because some dolt is beating on your car with his fist?
BTW, what kind/color/model car is it that I must avoid and where does it normally roam? Is it under a bridge?