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by Oldgringo
Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:04 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.
Replies: 46
Views: 5704

Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.

mgood wrote:
mr.72 wrote:Now, Democrats want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is unfair. Republicans want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is immoral. Libertarians do not want government to restrict your freedom until you are transgressing the rights of another.
I've generally tried to stay out of this sort of thing on this forum, but I can't help but saying :iagree:
This illustrates why I am not a fan of either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.
I generally see the Democratic Party as the greater threat. And the best way I know to fight Democrats is to support Republican candidates. That certainly doesn't mean I agree with everything the Republicans push.
If I thought the Libertarians had a snowball's chance, I'd back them more than I do.
:iagree: In fact, I voted for Ron Paul in the Primary while Mrs. Oldgringo voted for Mike Huckabee.

OTOH, I have to wonder what Jesus has to do with this discussion? I'm also pretty much in agreement with the notion of separation of church and state.
by Oldgringo
Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:38 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.
Replies: 46
Views: 5704

Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.

mr.72 wrote:

Now, Democrats want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is unfair. Republicans want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is immoral. Libertarians do not want government to restrict your freedom until you are transgressing the rights of another.
:iagree: , well said. :patriot:
by Oldgringo
Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:45 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.
Replies: 46
Views: 5704

Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.

Dragonfighter wrote:Humor yes, distasteful? Yes. But a young child who knows mom and dad are (likely) democrats are not going to "get it". OTOH, the parents share responsibility for seeding such an irrational fear of guns that a child old enough to read would...well, not "get it".
I think I have to agree. Any kids who scream "there going to kill us" at the sight of a bumper sticker (however inappropriate) has either been indocrinated and/or has a higher sense of humor than er, uh...some others.

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