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by Oldgringo
Thu May 27, 2010 10:07 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: US-75 stop for "speeding"

randomoutburst wrote:

An attacker is an attacker and if he was your son or father, I'm sorry, but when push comes to shove I care more about my rear than his. Still, when it comes to my family, I could see taking action as a CHL holder being a problem simply because there's a relationship there.
Randomoutburst :tiphat: ,

That's as good an answer as there is. None of us know what we'll do until it's time to do it. Hopefully, prayerfully, we'll never have to make the decision to shoot someone - as bad as that someone may need shooting. ITMT, we must be vigilant and we must be prepared to make that life changing decision if need be.

Good luck and God Bless.
by Oldgringo
Thu May 27, 2010 5:10 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: US-75 stop for "speeding"

randomoutburst wrote:
My mom had to call the police because my brother (at the time he was 15) was so irate and out-of-control that we both felt we were in danger. It's ridiculous. It shouldn't be your business but some people need that authority present to calm them down. :banghead:
Another off-topic hypothetical question and this one is a doozy:

Young lady, you are looking forward to obtaining your CHL shortly and with good cause. Let's assume, for the moment, that you had your CHL and was armed when the above incident with your brother caused both you and your mother to feel threatened and in danger. Would you have blasted him?

Think about your answer before replying.
by Oldgringo
Wed May 26, 2010 9:09 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: I-75 stop for "speeding"

Keith B wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
Keith B wrote:
budroux2w wrote:I have heard that driving to far below the posted limit will get you pulled over quicker than going over.
No, no, no, you misunderstood what they said. Driving under the posted limit will get your RAN over quicker here. :biggrinjester:

In all seriousness, that can be a sign of someone who may be under the influence and trying to drive overly cautious to keep from doing something that would look suspicious (like driving under the influence. LOL)
{SIGH} :roll:

Could it not also be a sign of a concientious law abiding citizen who planned his/her activities/travels in such a manner and left the starting point/s well enough in advance so that recklessly endangering others by their inconsiderate and unlawful speeding is not necessary?

It's not that I have no use for inconsiderate, rude and/or reckless behavior, I'm just sayin'...
I think you need to look at the OP's statement of FAR below. Driving more than 10 MPH under the posted speed limit can be just as dangerous as over by 5-10 in 55+ MPH zones.
IIRC, the original topic was "speeding".

Granted, impeding traffic can be a bad thing and may even be unlawful just as "speeding" is unlawful.

:deadhorse: , :leaving
by Oldgringo
Tue May 25, 2010 4:38 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: I-75 stop for "speeding"

Keith B wrote:
budroux2w wrote:I have heard that driving to far below the posted limit will get you pulled over quicker than going over.
No, no, no, you misunderstood what they said. Driving under the posted limit will get your RAN over quicker here. :biggrinjester:

In all seriousness, that can be a sign of someone who may be under the influence and trying to drive overly cautious to keep from doing something that would look suspicious (like driving under the influence. LOL)
{SIGH} :roll:

Could it not also be a sign of a concientious law abiding citizen who planned his/her activities/travels in such a manner and left the starting point/s well enough in advance so that recklessly endangering others by their inconsiderate and unlawful speeding is not necessary?

It's not that I have no use for inconsiderate, rude and/or reckless behavior, I'm just sayin'...
by Oldgringo
Tue May 25, 2010 2:58 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: I-75 stop for "speeding"

randomoutburst wrote:
jmra wrote:
randomoutburst wrote:What I should have clarified when I said my hubby was told he was pulled over for speeding is that he was supposedly going MUCH over the speed limit, not just 2 mph. I know 2 mph over is still speeding. Yikes!

And Oldgringo - I'm not saying traps are unfair, just that they are what they are. How else are they going to catch people breaking laws...dumb luck? :)
it's not about catching law breakers, it's about generating revenue.
Yes, but to do that they have to have a reason, yes? Hence the catching of speeders using traps. They don't leave it to chance to find law-breakers because they're looking for revenue.
This may sound stupid and out of synch with today's electronic gadgetry and busy schedules, etc., etc. but, has anyone given any thought to driving under the posted speed limit? It's my understanding that the posted speed limit is the maximum speed allowed not the mandatory rate of speed required by law.

Somebody help me...
by Oldgringo
Mon May 24, 2010 11:41 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: I-75 stop for "speeding"

surprise_i'm_armed wrote:Note of correction to the OP:

I-75 = Interstate 75, which runs from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
to the Naples, Florida area. It does not have any miles in Texas.

The highway that runs through Collin County, Texas is US 75.

"US" prefixed the original federal highway system.

"I" prefixes the more modern federal highway system,
authorized by President Eisenhower, circa 1957.
Although Texas inexplicably refers to these roads as
"IH" on signage.

You are so correct. Good eye!
by Oldgringo
Sun May 23, 2010 9:13 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: I-75 stop for "speeding"

srothstein wrote:Along the lines of concealed is concealed, I would point out that the state law says speeding is speeding. And along those lines, I thought I would point out this line:
randomoutburst wrote:Pulled him over for "speeding" (not likely; hubby ALWAYS uses cruise control at about 2mph over the limit)
And for those of you who might get upset at someone signaling a scofflaw to slow down, I thought I would point out that this activity is specifically allowed by the law. Penal Code section 38.05 says it is illegal to warn someone of the police ahead unless the warning is specifically intended to bring the person back into compliance with the law. By flashing the lights, you are telling the other person to slow back down and come into compliance with the law, or else.
Tell it to the judge...
by Oldgringo
Sun May 23, 2010 8:59 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: I-75 stop for "speeding"

android wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
Absolutely, :iagree: . Why would any right thinking person warn a scofflaw he/she/they could be busted for violating laws designed to protect MY/YOUR well being? What's the sense in that?
They're not designed for your well being. They're designed to collect revenue with safety as a official facade. If we really wanted safety, we'd make the driving test harder.
Right! :smilelol5: The speed limits should be raised "rlol" and then maybe the Police wouldn't be out to get you? :leaving
by Oldgringo
Sun May 23, 2010 8:07 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: I-75 stop for "speeding"

megs wrote:
randomoutburst wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:A "Speed Trap" is one thing. A "Speed Limit" is the law of the land.

"Speed Traps" and "Speed Limits" are not necessarily synonymous.
If there are two cruisers on each side of the highway (as was the case) I would call that a speed trap. ;) I agree, though, speed limits are posted and posted for a reason, so if you're caught for speeding you're S.O.L.
Same as when undercover cops make a drug buy or police stake out a convenience store for robbers.
Hey girls,

Illegal is illegal, concealed is concealed, 30.06 is 30.06, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

The rules are the rules. All we have to do is deal with ' our own way being fully aware that our actions have consequences.

:tiphat: Good evening
by Oldgringo
Sun May 23, 2010 7:32 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: I-75 stop for "speeding"

A "Speed Trap" is one thing. A "Speed Limit" is the law of the land.

"Speed Traps" and "Speed Limits" are not necessarily synonymous.
by Oldgringo
Sun May 23, 2010 6:55 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: US-75 stop for "speeding"
Replies: 81
Views: 13511

Re: I-75 stop for "speeding"

randomoutburst wrote:Hubby texted me to tell me he had been pulled over. He was driving to work on I-75 and had just passed into Collin County.

Apparently he had been flashing his lights at oncoming traffic to warn of an impending speed trap and the officer who stopped him had noticed. Pulled him over for "speeding" (not likely; hubby ALWAYS uses cruise control at about 2mph over the limit) and then asked if something was wrong with his brights. Truthfully, they don't work when you turn them on, but if you use the "burst" option they work. :roll: So hubby made a comment about them not having worked for months, handed over his CHL, DL, and insurance. He said the officer didn't bat an eye, gave him an official warning (for speeding), and sent him on his way.

Good contact, but bad husband! I told him that is EXACTLY the reason I DON'T warn oncoming traffic of a speed trap, andtold him he should stop doing that. AND he lied to the officer about flashing his brights when he knew that was probably why he'd been pulled over. :grumble
Absolutely, :iagree: . Why would any right thinking person warn a scofflaw he/she/they could be busted for violating laws designed to protect MY/YOUR well being? What's the sense in that?

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