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by Oldgringo
Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:01 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border
Replies: 120
Views: 12517

Re: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border

FANGS asks:

I've said this before, and I'll say it again: HOW CAN NORTH KOREA FIGURE THIS OUT AND THE U.S. CAN'T?
The Oldgringo answers:

In a nutshell AGAIN, Kim Il Dingbat is not running for re-election.

Our politicians - in both parties - do no want to alienate this large bloc of voters.
by Oldgringo
Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:26 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border
Replies: 120
Views: 12517

Re: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border

carlson1 wrote:OK Let us now see if we can take this back to the original topic. :grouphug
:iagree: , this one has about run its course.
by Oldgringo
Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:33 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border
Replies: 120
Views: 12517

Re: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border

aardwolf wrote:
duns wrote:I understand that there are about 12 million of them here most filling low-skilled jobs that Americans don't want. Can you imagine what damage it would do to the economy if they were all expelled?
Can you imagine the good it would do for the economy if those jobs became available during a period of high unemployment?

Can you imagine the good it would do for the country if we told Americans with no job skills they can take those jobs. More importantly, it's their choice to take those jobs or not, but no more welfare handouts. Can you imagine the good it would do if it doesn't matter their sex, race, religion, national origin, family status, or anything else. No more government handouts.

Can you imagine the good it would do for America is we reversed the socialist tide?
In my old whisky ravaged mind, this debate has now come full circle.
by Oldgringo
Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:29 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border
Replies: 120
Views: 12517

Re: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border

Alright everybody, repeat after me:

"Concealed is concealed, illegal is illegal and a CHL is not a Batman license."

Are there any questions? Okay, here endeth the lesson.
by Oldgringo
Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:18 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border
Replies: 120
Views: 12517

Re: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border

Quahog wrote:
08thunders wrote:Cambiar
Sad, really....
This may come as a latter day shock to some, but the REPUBS are just as much to blame as the DEMS. This border situation didn't start last week or even last year or the year before that. It's been going on for a long time and neither party dares to alienate this potentially huge block of voters.

SHAME! Let's fire 'em all and start over with term limits for all!
by Oldgringo
Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:03 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border
Replies: 120
Views: 12517

Re: Armed illegals brazenly crossing the border

baldeagle wrote:

....Common sense tells you that non-productive people, criminals, drug addicts and similar types of people would not contribute to prosperity no matter where they reside....
I am unclear whether American History is still taught in public schools and/or if it's on the TAKS test or not; however, if it is still a subject, we would all recall that Oglethorpe's colony; i.e. Georgia, was founded by the peoples mentioned above.

That was then and this is now, build walls with gun towers and lay mines. Landmines will certainly get their attention after a day or so.

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