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by Oldgringo
Wed May 11, 2011 9:46 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obama
Replies: 25
Views: 2765

Re: obama

mgood wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:Unless the Repubs come up with a viable candidate and a viable platform PDQ, Barack Obama will continue to be the POTUS after the November 2012 elections...and that's a fact, Jack. Am I the only one who sees this... :banghead:
I never thought Slick Willy would win a second term. He did. (I couldn't imagine anyone voting for him. Didn't know anyone who would vote for him.)
The dems never thought Dubya could win a second term. He did. (I lived in California at the time. My friends and coworkers out there couldn't imagine anyone voting for him. Didn't know anyone who would vote for him, except me. :mrgreen: )
Anyone who is comfortable in their belief that Obama won't win again is delusional. We need a candidate, an electable candidate and platform, to oppose him.
....fixed it for us...

FWIW, I never did find anyone who voted for Carter but...
by Oldgringo
Wed May 11, 2011 9:39 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obama
Replies: 25
Views: 2765

Re: obama

G26ster wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:Unless the Repubs come up with a viable candidate and a viable platform PDQ, Barack Obama will continue to be the POTUS after the November 2012 elections...and that's a fact, Jack. Am I the only one who sees this... :banghead:

Bashing Obama on this forum ain't gonna' change nothing! It's up to the opposition party (GOP) to give the American voters a realistic and believable choice come election time. Otherwise, it'll be 2016 before there's another POTUS. Just out of curiosity, how old will you and your offspring be in 2016?
I don't necessarily agree. Bush 41 was at 90% with 2 years to go, and left office at 28% approval. McCain overtook Obama and led 2 weeks before the 2008 election, but fell sharply when the Washington panicked and Tarp was voted on. James Carvel had it right when he coined the phrase, "It's the economy stupid." While I may not necessarily be a fan, Romney has a chance and so does Huckabee (if he runs). In fact some in the already announced field have a good shot at it, and others not announced do as well. Regardless of a platform, if the economy is no better, unemployment above 8% and continued skyrocketing debt, I believe Obama will be toast. Republicans wont elect the next POTUS and neither will the Dems. It's always the Independents that decide elections. When all is said and done, it will all boil down to Carvel's remark, and in politics 18 months is a lifetime. Who knows what will happen between now and then. Since you asked I will be pushing 71 at election time 2012, my son will be 47 and my daughter 46.
We're the same age. As for the election, we'll have to wait and see. I see where Gingrich threw his hat in the ring today. I personally think Gingrich and Rice would make a tremendous American team BUT what are they gonna' do for ME?
by Oldgringo
Wed May 11, 2011 9:11 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: obama
Replies: 25
Views: 2765

Re: obama

Unless the Repubs come up with a viable candidate and a viable platform PDQ, Barack Obama will continue to be the POTUS after the November 2012 elections...and that's a fact, Jack. Am I the only one who sees this... :banghead:

Bashing Obama on this forum ain't gonna' change nothing! It's up to the opposition party (GOP) to give the American voters a realistic and believable choice come election time. Otherwise, it'll be 2016 before there's another POTUS. Just out of curiosity, how old will you and your offspring be in 2016?

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