....fixed it for us...mgood wrote:I never thought Slick Willy would win a second term. He did. (I couldn't imagine anyone voting for him. Didn't know anyone who would vote for him.)Oldgringo wrote:Unless the Repubs come up with a viable candidate and a viable platform PDQ, Barack Obama will continue to be the POTUS after the November 2012 elections...and that's a fact, Jack. Am I the only one who sees this...
The dems never thought Dubya could win a second term. He did. (I lived in California at the time. My friends and coworkers out there couldn't imagine anyone voting for him. Didn't know anyone who would vote for him, except me. )
Anyone who is comfortable in their belief that Obama won't win again is delusional. We need a candidate, an electable candidate and platform, to oppose him.
FWIW, I never did find anyone who voted for Carter but...