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by Oldgringo
Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:05 pm
Forum: CHL Checklist
Topic: "Off Limits" locations for CHL's
Replies: 152
Views: 152112


mikeloc wrote:What I mean is when the conceal carry law went into effect January 1, 1996 you could not carry in a hospital. The law was change to require the hospital to post the 30.06 sign to keep you from carring in the hospital starting September 1, 1997. The penal code in 1997 also required the hospital to post large number 51 on the sign to the hospital. I think it was 1991 or 2001 when they were not required to post the large 5 1/2" red letter sign (51).

The signs that are being posted in the hospitals are not a reflection of any old signs or history of how the hospitals could tell us we could not carry.

I consider the signs being discussed as rather new because they only started showing up about 2003.

Some of the signs have said that it is against state law to have a gun here even if you have a conceal carry permit. I do not know why they post this type of sign.

However, I have asked DPS legal department several times and they told me you could take the ride. If a 30.06 sign was not posted and you had not been given verbal notice you should not be convicted.

With that being said I would like to know that I could not be arrested for carrying in a hospital that does not post the 30.06 sign.

I would feel better if the hospitals would either post the 30.06 signs are if they post a no guns sign at least not say it's against state law to have a handgun on your person even if you have a license.

Mike Lochabay
If it's not a legally prescribed 30.06 sign, it does not apply to Texas CH licensees. If you're not comfortable with the concept of licensed concealed carry in Texas, do not carry in a hospital or anywhere else.

PLEASE DO NOT feel compelled to point out or question an invalid sign to facility management. That's not your job and serves no constructive purpose!

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