I agree carrying a gun makes me more mindful...I get irritated at bad drivers too but dont try and make things worse by chasing them or pulling infront and hitting the brakes, etc. I just leave it alone.
I had a guy in a little tiny car trying to run me off the road a few weeks back. Why? I have no idea. Guess I was going to slow or something. Anyway I drive a Ram truck but this guy tries to force me off the road and then pulls up next to me pointing for me to pull over...you can clearly tell he is ready to fight. The guy was screaming profanties. My instinct was to retreat and not force a confrontation but if he did force me off the road or I got caught at the light I knew it was going to get bad possibly. I could not reach my phone to call 911. So many senarios went thru my head if I got stopped. I drove slower and he decided to keep going fortunatley. Who knew if he had a gun or weapon or what.
On the other hand I have this friend that drives awful. If someone is driving too slow he pulls ahead of them and locks up his breaks and tries to force people off the road. He did that once with me in the car. That was 4 years ago and wont drive with him anymore. I told him his life expectancey is dropping each time he pulls crap like that. He is totally normal until he gets behind a wheel. Moron. He just argues with me and said people get what they deserve driving like that...guess he doesnt include himself. He also thinks I am stupid for having a CHL and carrying. Some people gotta learn the hard way!
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- by jpa1701
- Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:42 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: CHL goes well with roadrage
- Replies: 8
- Views: 3010
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