Hi Flint,flintknapper wrote: What do you guys/gals enjoy about your club, and what recommendations would you make (keeping in mind that we are small, and surrounded by small towns).
Your thoughts are appreciated.
I've never shot an IDPA pistol event. But I did shot a carbine even in the style of IDPA. All I remember was getting procedural errors and didn't enjoy it as much as IPSC styled matches or steel matches.
I think the IDPA style match I shot had too many rules (e.g. shoot tactical order, cover, you must take some steps and shoot, shoot while moving, foot cannot be on thing thing and that thing, etc.) I think something like IPSC or steel can help a club attract new members who aren't puzzled by procedure deductions.
So, I'd recomment expanding to at least IPSC (or steel if you have some equipment). IPSC w/ its relaxed rules and high round count should make any new shooter happy. And let in .22lr on the steel, this should bring in more females and younger folks.
Although I love poppers and plates at IPSC, I know many new shooters hate them because they can't shoot very accurately and ends up w/ DNF or major penalties.
Just some random thoughts. I hope your club becomes healthy again.