G.C.Montgomery wrote:
Dude, you aren't the first to notice that trend and it's not a new trend. Minorities have complained of that issue for decades but, the majority tends to dismiss it as a “fig Newton” of our imagination. It is part of basic human logic to recognize patterns and the report of, or failure to report, race with respect to crimes is a recognizable pattern to anyone who chooses to pay attention. That’s not necessarily good or bad.
What is bad is when we don’t take that sort of thing into account and recognize that it can create subconscious bias. Nearly all of us have a pre-conceived image of a person connected with certain terms based on life experience and the images to which we’ve been subjected during our lifetimes. That image may include gender and race. As an example, what pops into your mind for the following terms:
Serial Killer
No need to post what come to mind here, it is just something to think about. But with respect to the original topic, I will say my observations are in line with those of the original post and I would agree that, at least to me, it seems race is reported more often when minorities commit crimes.
It is a fact that each and every item in your list is dominated by certain groups based on race. There is no getting around it. For instance when I read pedophile my first thought was white male authority figure. Not female...not black. This is due to the FACT that most of the pedophile crimes I read about are commited by white guys in positions of authority and trust. Making it politicly incorrect to mention the ethnic group/race a criminal belongs to is NOT going to change the fact that certain groups are responsible for certain types of crimes.
Why would mentioning the race or sex of a criminal make anyone uncomfortable? Fighting some internal demons maybe???? This would be the most likely reason for the discomfort. Maybe trying to convince yourself your not racist by publicly stating your not a racist? If your really concerned with the general image of the ethnic group mentioned in a crime, maybe you could do something to change the situation that is causing this particular group to commit a particular crime. IMHO...living in denial is not going to change the facts. Making the rest of us live in denial is not going to change the facts either. But it could put us in jeopordy of becoming the victim of a crime.
As the old saying goes. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....chances are...your dealing with a duck.