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by 03Lightningrocks
Sun May 09, 2010 3:33 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

ScottDLS wrote:These threads just seem to veer off into the theoretical and philosophical ruminations about private property rights and civil and criminal law. We (at least I...) enjoy wasting our time on this stuff. I mean look, your question was valid and probably had a consensus answer about 5 or 6 posts in, but then the Monday morning legal quarterbacks (like me) decided to make it last another 4 pages. I don't think anyone believes you were wasting their time by posting it.

The lease terms you posted don't appear to prohibit concealed carry or keeping firearms in your apartment. The lady at the front desk is a moron and what she says contradicts the lease. I wouldn't worry about it.

Could not have said it better myself! :iagree:
by 03Lightningrocks
Sun May 09, 2010 3:15 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

And Bronco..... if you're not showing your gun around..... worrying about the word may.... won't be a problem for you. ;-) Why on earth would any right thinking human, "display, discharge, or possess, a gun, knife, or other weapon in a way that may threaten other people". Not to mention that only a fool would let folks see them bringing firearms in and out of their homes. Why risk making yourself a target for home burglary? Again... the absurdity of some of the directions these threads takes rears it's ugly head one more time. Now you want to make hay out of the word may as we take it completely out of context!
by 03Lightningrocks
Sun May 09, 2010 3:06 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

My point was.... and I said it very clearly. His post could have been answered in one simple response. There is No issue with that lease.There is No wording or even a hint of no guns allowed. Instead.... we get all kinds of what ifs, conjectures..... and even a couple guys proclaiming that the apartment complex is somehow anti-gun. It is laughable at times. To the OP.... I see no reason for you to get your feelings hurt. Your question was legit. Just realize.... there is NO need to seek special permission to own a firearm. This is America. When we ask folks if they care if we bring our guns along.... we are acting suspicious. Like I said before.... nobody would ask if it was OK to bring a stereo, or your special Ginsu Knives. Guns are just as legal as a stereo in AMERICA. Actually.... more legal than a stereo. They are protected by our constitution.Well.... the real America, anyway. Life may be different in Kali or New York. Personally...... I can't wait until we give them another go for their money...J/K...LOL.

It seems to me that we should all try not to act like we are special simply because we own a gun... or toothbrush...... or pots and pans. When i read posts from guys asking special permission to own a weapon, it actually frightens me for the direction we are headed with our RKABA. It also gives insight to how you feel about owning your firearm. if you were not feeling somewhat guilty about it, or even uncomfortable, you would not feel the need to ask if it was OK to own it or bring it into your new domicile. It is as pure as the right to free speech. Anyone here feel compelled to ask an apartment manager if there is a list of what can and cannot be said in the apartment complex? I didn't think so. I wonder if you read the part about not making a noise nuisance of yourself if you would think that means you can't talk in the place?

Any of you get what I am saying yet?????
by 03Lightningrocks
Sat May 08, 2010 8:42 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

After all that rambling.... the point I was trying to make is this.

QUIT SEEKING PERMISSION TO EXERCISE YOUR RKBA! YOU DON"T NEED SPECIAL PERMISSION TO OWN A FIREARM! When you ask somebody something stupid like... "Can I bring my gun?" You sound like a nut! I would probably ask you what the heck also,.... and wonder what in the heck you ask me that for. It almost sounds threatening. just do it and quit acting all suspicious about it.

To further illustrate what I am getting at... does anyone ask if it is Ok to bring your stereo or your electric guitar? There are rules about that in the lease too! I bet if you did ask, the person you ask would suddenly get nervous why you are seeking special permission for such a thing so silly. they would probably wonder if you planned to blast loud music all day and night. same for guns folks! you make them wonder what you are acting so goofy about!
by 03Lightningrocks
Sat May 08, 2010 8:31 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

Dragonfighter wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:Excuse me but I still don't see what is objectionable about that wording in the lease. Since when is it anti gun to ask folks not to display their guns in a threatening manner. You guys sure make a lot of something out of nothing on this forum sometimes. I am actually with the apartments. Don't be waving your darn gun around. Your not suppose to be showing it off anyway. The lease wording is just fine. Nothing about it even hints around about guns not being allowed in the apartment. It says not to use them to scare folks... JEEPERS CREEPERS!!! Are you guys really not understanding what that wording says???
A little too much caffeine today Lightning? :biggrinjester:

No...LOL... this is just one of those threads that should have had one answer and then ended. This is NOT an anti-gun conspiracy issue. This is a case of the apartment complex reserving the right to throw you out if you threaten one of your neighbors with one of the mentioned weapons. Of coarse they don't give a crap if you have a gun!!! Good night nurse! OK.... maybe a little to much coffee at the waffle house this morning. But some of these fellers act like they feel guilty for owning a gun. Maybe they feel so guilty they are looking for confirmation that owning a gun is OK? I don't know.... just doing some amateur psychoanalyzing of the whole issue with all these posts seeking permission to exercise ones right to own a firearm. I guess after a whole life of owning weapons, hunting and having 100's of friends and aquaintences with guns, i don't feel I need permission to own a weapon. if not told specifically it is forbidden.... it is as OK as wearing boxer shorts. Sorry..... I don't feel any diferent about my gun ownership than I do the milk in my fridge. it's really nothing special and it really makes you nothing special to own one.... or to carry one. We are Americans.... own a is still OK and it sure as heck doesn't make you a tough guy.

The pork chop and egg breakfast was goood.... and no... I didn't ask them if they minded me having a gun hidden under my shirt. i am pretty sure they never knew it was there.
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri May 07, 2010 9:20 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

Excuse me but I still don't see what is objectionable about that wording in the lease. Since when is it anti gun to ask folks not to display their guns in a threatening manner. You guys sure make a lot of something out of nothing on this forum sometimes. I am actually with the apartments. Don't be waving your darn gun around. Your not suppose to be showing it off anyway. The lease wording is just fine. Nothing about it even hints around about guns not being allowed in the apartment. It says not to use them to scare folks... JEEPERS CREEPERS!!! Are you guys really not understanding what that wording says???
by 03Lightningrocks
Wed May 05, 2010 9:10 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

Scire.Factor wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
Scire.Factor wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:What CHARLES said above...for goodness sake.

What did you expect them to say, "that they welcome shooters of all races and creeds and also bring any explosive or incendiary devices that you may have with you" ??? :roll:
:smilelol5: I think the thing is, ole Gringo, fellers who have never really been around guns much feel a certain kind of guilt about owning them. Almost like they are teetering on the brink of rebellion. After a few years they come to realize owning a gun isn't really anything note worthy.

Well I would expect the lease to read something like, "We follow all federal and state laws regarding firearms". I do not think it is too much to expect the right to own firearms in an apartment complex. Like I said earlier, I am not a new gun owner - as I have owned guns my whole life and work with them since I am in the military. I am new to Texas and new to renting an apartment. ;-)
Being in the military does not really make one familiar with guns. my brother was a sniper in Desert Storm and owns a judge and a 22 rifle. Not exactly what I would call a gun expert. Anyway..... I get what your saying. You are going to like Texas. we don't have many issues with private gun ownership. Just don't try to open carry....LOL. But then that would be a thread all it's own. :mrgreen:

hahaha... I have been VERY fortunate with where I have been stationed in the states that are gun friendly. I grew up Florida (very gun friendly), was stationed in Arizona (very gun friendly, plus has open carry), and now going to be stationed in Texas (which is also gun friendly). So, I am really looking forward to Texas, especially after being overseas for 4 years and not having my second amendment rights.

Gosh I am excited just to be able to go to the range when I want with my own guns!!!! :anamatedbanana
Maybe I missed it but what part of Texas you moving to?
by 03Lightningrocks
Wed May 05, 2010 8:21 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

Scire.Factor wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:What CHARLES said above...for goodness sake.

What did you expect them to say, "that they welcome shooters of all races and creeds and also bring any explosive or incendiary devices that you may have with you" ??? :roll:
:smilelol5: I think the thing is, ole Gringo, fellers who have never really been around guns much feel a certain kind of guilt about owning them. Almost like they are teetering on the brink of rebellion. After a few years they come to realize owning a gun isn't really anything note worthy.

Well I would expect the lease to read something like, "We follow all federal and state laws regarding firearms". I do not think it is too much to expect the right to own firearms in an apartment complex. Like I said earlier, I am not a new gun owner - as I have owned guns my whole life and work with them since I am in the military. I am new to Texas and new to renting an apartment. ;-)
Being in the military does not really make one familiar with guns. my brother was a sniper in Desert Storm and owns a judge and a 22 rifle. Not exactly what I would call a gun expert. Anyway..... I get what your saying. You are going to like Texas. we don't have many issues with private gun ownership. Just don't try to open carry....LOL. But then that would be a thread all it's own. :mrgreen:
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue May 04, 2010 10:37 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

Read this again folks.

display, discharge, or possess, a gun, knife, or other weapon in a way that may
threaten or alarm others or Roommates
including but not limited to any pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, or other
weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind, knives of stated dimensions, razors, throwing stars, nun
chucks, and similar objects;

It plainly states in a way that would threaten or alarm. They are simply telling you not to be waving the darned weapons around, dsplaying them or using them to scare the neighbors. Nowhere in that does it say no weapons on the premises. I thought all you guys were closet lawyers. This one is real easy folks! And it is standard lease speak. I bet it is in a lot of your leases and you just don't know it because you didn't read all 5 gabillion words of the fine print.
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue May 04, 2010 10:29 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

ftw13 wrote:i'd find another apt,screw that
I have seen that exact same wording in other apartment lease contracts. I think these guys get them from the same place. ;-) Good luck finding an apartment that says it is OK to wave your gun around and scare the natives.
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue May 04, 2010 10:27 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

Oldgringo wrote:What CHARLES said above...for goodness sake.

What did you expect them to say, "that they welcome shooters of all races and creeds and also bring any explosive or incendiary devices that you may have with you" ??? :roll:
:smilelol5: I think the thing is, ole Gringo, fellers who have never really been around guns much feel a certain kind of guilt about owning them. Almost like they are teetering on the brink of rebellion. After a few years they come to realize owning a gun isn't really anything note worthy.
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue May 04, 2010 10:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No Gun Apartment Lease?
Replies: 67
Views: 16918

Re: No Gun Apartment Lease?

Griz44 wrote:Sounds pretty clear to me. It's OK to have a gun there, just don't go waving it around everywhere.
I read a case law article where an apartment tried to force a no-gun policy on the tennants.
The right to protect oneself was deemed more important than the apartment's liberal bias.
Seems the apartment can't make up it's own laws when you rent, and therefore, control the property in question.
display, discharge, or possess, a gun, knife, or other weapon in a way that may
threaten or alarm others or Roommates including but not limited to any pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, or other
weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind, knives of stated dimensions, razors, throwing stars, nun
chucks, and similar objects;

I agree and actually. The policy they spell out is pretty good common sense... rules or not, why would anyone be retarded enough to do any of the things they forbid in that lease.... anywhere for that matter. Anyone who would do this kind of thing needs slapped out cold anyway and sure doesn't need to own a gun.

As to your question. Some dingle berry at the front office just has issues with guns so they gave you their own personal interpretation. Nothing in that anywhere states no guns in your apartment. i am not sure they could do that legally anyway.

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