100% correct. The last line of your post is EXACTLY why my situation went in my favor. The arresting officers gave reports to the DA that favored my position because of my presentation. They had no doubt in their minds that I and my son were the victims. I never made any comments that could be construed as aggressive. I never used words that resembled aggression. In fact, the only statement I made concerning my actions was that I was trying to stop the attack and get safely away from them. It was easy to say, because it was the truth.Keith B wrote:Charles uses a phrase when he has his Use of Deadly Force Seminars that says 'Don't let your mouth ruin a good shoot.' The same thing goes for any time you are dealing with individuals that are being arrested. Drop the bravado, don't puff up your chest once it is over, and make sure you appear to be a victim 110% so there is no question the BG was the one that was the aggressor.
Many years ago I read several articles written by Massad Ayoob for the NRA magazines. I learned a lot from his writings and utilized what I read. I know it saved my bacon. I believe the worse thing we can do is act as if we were trying to "get even" or "take a person down". We should never express any form of anger. That will get you an extra dose of stink eye!