Not as a CHL, but when I go to my farm up in OK, I carry my Kimber in a Glaco Crossdraw holster (usually have some sort of rifle on a sling on my dominant side). I was pulling up to our south gate and noticed that someone was standing in my pasture. His truck was near the gate he had just KNOCKED DOWN. He literally broke the 6"x6" posts off at the ground with his grill guard and then drove over the gate. I yelled at him to come over and chat a little. Keep in mind I was only 19 or 20 then and he probably didn't take me very seriously. He came over with this I'm a grown up attitude and I calmly told him that he was to put the gate up in its original form before he left (he said he was surveying). He told me to move along and forget the good samaritan act and that he had a job to do and it was his right to do whatever he wanted. I then promptly got out of my truck and told him that he was on my property and that if he didn't fix the gate immediately and leave, I was going to call the police and hold him for tresspassing. I was amazed at how quickly he complied and what a nice job he did rediging those holes with just his hands in Oklahoma's famous red rock dirt (in our area you get down to solid rock within 15"). I thought it was because I stand about 6'2" with boots on and had been working out alot, but I later remembered I had a visible .30-30 in the truck (unloaded, legal) and a cocked and locked 1911 on my hip (legal on your own property).
I wouldn't have minded letting him in the gate (he was surveying an adjacent piece of property for a guy who is now my friend and grazing rights leasee) but his demeanor was less than honorable, especially after I had made every attempt at civilized discussion.
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- by petroleumag07
- Fri May 16, 2008 8:03 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Have you ever actually drawn your CHL Weopon in self defense
- Replies: 97
- Views: 15559
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