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by KaiserB
Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:24 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: DPS Stop near Luling. Is this typical?
Replies: 49
Views: 8092

Re: DPS Stop near Luling. Is this typical?

Excaliber wrote:
sjfcontrol wrote:
Keith B wrote:
barres wrote:
(a-1) A person commits an offense if the person
intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries on or about his or
her person a handgun in a motor vehicle that is owned by the person
under the person's control at any time in which:
(1) the handgun is in plain view; or
defined by Section 71.01.
BTW, thanks for quoting the law, I didn't have the opportunity to look it up for the exact wording.
SNIP It doesn't have to stay in my control in the car. Just like the new parking lot law, you can leave the gun in the car and out of your control and just because someone else is near it, if they are not in control of it by messing around, then it is all OK.
Keith -- although we agree that the passenger is not guilty of UCW, my analysis is somewhat different. I would claim that while the driver (not necessarily the owner) is temporarily away from the vehicle, the passenger would be in control of it. Otherwise, you get into the situation where you have to define how far away the driver can wander and still be in control of the vehicle. Is the driver still in control while standing beside the vehicle pumping gas? How about if he goes into the station to use the "facilities"? How about if he leaves the vehicle while going into Walmart?

If the driver is out of sight of the vehicle, and there were an issue with the vehicle (blocking traffic, or something similar), wouldn't an officer expect the passenger to resolve that issue if possible?

On the other hand, leaving a firearm in a vehicle with your children unsupervised, could leave the driver in violation of PC46.13(b)(2)
I think you're stretching both the letter and intent of the law in a tortured way.

Following your line of logic, if you drive to any 30.06 location with your non CHL holder wife in a car that is in your name only and put your gun in the console while you go inside, you'd have to make your wife either go inside with you or stand outside the locked car until you return to avoid the "in control" issue you pose.

If you do that just once, I suspect your wife will help you reach a much more nuanced :totap: understanding of the law by the time you get home. :lol:
Hmmm Texas is a community property state so technically any gun purchased from a joint account could NOT be considered a single owner asset (i.e. owned by the husband only) thus the firearm would most likely not be in the husbands name only. :)

I am now running for cover.
by KaiserB
Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:40 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: DPS Stop near Luling. Is this typical?
Replies: 49
Views: 8092

Re: DPS Stop near Luling. Is this typical?

barres wrote:
(a-1) A person commits an offense if the person
intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries on or about his or
her person a handgun in a motor vehicle that is owned by the person
or under the person's control
at any time in which:
(1) the handgun is in plain view; or
(2) the person is:
(A) engaged in criminal activity, other than a
Class C misdemeanor that is a violation of a law or ordinance
regulating traffic;
(B) prohibited by law from possessing a firearm;
(C) a member of a criminal street gang, as
defined by Section 71.01.
My reading of the section in red is that this section of the penal code doesn't apply to the passenger, because he doesn't own or control the vehicle, therefore, he doesn't get the protections in the MPA. (a1) is a protection from UCW by excluding carrying in a vehicle you own or control (like a rental car) from UCW unless you are in violation of (1) and/or (2) or any subsection thereof. The passenger would be guilty of UCW, because this section doesn't apply. IMHO, IANAL, etc.

BTW, thanks for quoting the law, I didn't have the opportunity to look it up for the exact wording.
I think you are reading to much into this.

In this case the gun is secured in the car, the passenger is in the car and the driver is outside the car but in proximity of it. I don't see where a passenger would be guilty of UCW for getting in the car.

If the passenger is guilty perhaps the police should spend a lot of time at gas stations where the driver leaves the car to pump and pay and the passengers (including children left in the car) could all be charged with UCW. There is some common sense to the law, and intent is usually a not try to define everything by one law or a few words in a law.

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