I agree that we should always carry what we feel confident with should we ever get into a bad situation. I have a snubby .38, but I do not carry it often because I don't feel comfortable with only 5 rounds. 90% of the time I carry a Colt .45 ACP IWB. At first I had to make myself carry it because it was a little uncomfortable, but now, I wouldn't be without it and hardly know it's there. The other 10% of the time, if I am out walking my dog, I will carry my LCP in my pocket. It is very concealable and I have 7 rounds to work with. IMHO concerning caliber size, it is bullet placement that matters...practice, practice, practice. The LCP is not for having fun on the range with, it is for...GET OFF OF ME, NOW! I like the little LCP, however, I had to send it to Ruger because I had a few problems with it when I first bought it, but now it never fails to feed or eject...I can trust it.