gigag04 wrote:chabouk wrote:You should also find out exactly where the bus stops. If I'm understanding this correctly, you turned right out of a business driveway while a bus was stopped across the street. There might be a very good argument that you didn't "pass" the bus at all.
Gigag04,gigag04 wrote:Wrong again.puma guy wrote: I don't know for sure but I'd bet cities get to keep the majority of fines for school zone infractions. Ka-ching!! Ka-ching!!
Maybe it's just me, but some of your posts are a little abrasive and offensive. I know that inflection is hard to convey via written text, but from my observation, it's easy for these posts to be construed as rude. Far too often I've seen curt responses followed up with nothing else or no additional posts when we solicit additional feedback. I think you have a lot to offer as a LEO, so I'd love to hear they 'why's' as opposed to the blunt responses...